Please add following function, and its defination in your webservice file in ELGG/engine/lib/web_services.php
* The API.
* This API call lets a user to create group.
* @param string $name group name
* @param string $briefdescription short description
* @param string $description long description
* @param string $interests tags comma separated
* @param int $group_guid GUID of group if its edit request
* @return bool success/fail
* @access public
function group_save($name, $briefdescription, $description, $interests, $group_guid)
//you can change/pass below parameters from POST
$_POST['membership'] = '2';
$_POST['activity_enable'] = 'yes';
$_POST['blog_enable'] = 'yes';
$_POST['forum_enable'] = 'yes';
$_POST['pages_enable'] = 'yes';
//include file at location "ELGG/mod/groups/actions/groups/edit.php"
include_once '../../mod/groups/actions/groups/edit.php';
//Or you can copy all code from that file and paste it here. And do modification according to your need.
Finally, you should expose a function like following:
'name' => array ('type' => 'string'),
'briefdescription' => array ('type' => 'string'),
'description' => array ('type' => 'string'),
'interests' => array ('type' => 'string'),
'group_guid' => array ('type' => 'int', 'required' => false),
'User add/edit group',