使操作高效的唯一方法是保持区间列表排序且不重叠(可以在 中完成O(n log n)
# If using python 3, uncomment the following:
# from functools import reduce
# In all of the following, the list of intervals must be sorted and
# non-overlapping. We also assume that the intervals are half-open, so
# that x is in tp(start, end) iff start <= x and x < end.
def flatten(list_of_tps):
"""Convert a list of intervals to a list of endpoints"""
return reduce(lambda ls, ival: ls + [ival.start, ival.end],
def unflatten(list_of_endpoints):
"""Convert a list of endpoints, with an optional terminating sentinel,
into a list of intervals"""
return [tp(list_of_endpoints[i], list_of_endpoints[i + 1])
for i in range(0, len(list_of_endpoints) - 1, 2)]
def merge(a_tps, b_tps, op):
"""Merge two lists of intervals according to the boolean function op"""
a_endpoints = flatten(a_tps)
b_endpoints = flatten(b_tps)
sentinel = max(a_endpoints[-1], b_endpoints[-1]) + 1
a_endpoints += [sentinel]
b_endpoints += [sentinel]
a_index = 0
b_index = 0
res = []
scan = min(a_endpoints[0], b_endpoints[0])
while scan < sentinel:
in_a = not ((scan < a_endpoints[a_index]) ^ (a_index % 2))
in_b = not ((scan < b_endpoints[b_index]) ^ (b_index % 2))
in_res = op(in_a, in_b)
if in_res ^ (len(res) % 2): res += [scan]
if scan == a_endpoints[a_index]: a_index += 1
if scan == b_endpoints[b_index]: b_index += 1
scan = min(a_endpoints[a_index], b_endpoints[b_index])
return unflatten(res)
def interval_diff(a, b):
return merge(a, b, lambda in_a, in_b: in_a and not in_b)
def interval_union(a, b):
return merge(a, b, lambda in_a, in_b: in_a or in_b)
def interval_intersect(a, b):
return merge(a, b, lambda in_a, in_b: in_a and in_b)
间隔[a, b)
和[b, c)
def interval_normalise(a):
rv = sorted(a, key = lambda x: x.start)
out = 0
for scan in range(1, len(rv)):
if rv[scan].start > rv[out].end:
if rv[out].end > rv[out].start: out += 1
rv[out] = rv[scan]
elif rv[scan].end > rv[out].end:
rv[out] = tp(rv[out].start, rv[scan].end)
if rv and rv[out].end > rv[out].start: out += 1
return rv[:out]