I have a table that tracks statuses that a particular file goes through as it is checked over by our system. It looks like this:
FileID int
Status tinyint
TouchedBy varchar(50)
TouchedWhen datetime
There is currently NO primary key on this table however there is a clustered index on Status and TouchedWhen
As the table has continued to grow and performance decrease in querying against it, one thought I've had is to do add a PrimaryKey so that I get off the heap lookups -- a primary key on FileID, Status and TouchedWhen
The problem I'm running into si that TouchedWhen, due to it's rounding issues, has, on occasion, 2 entries with the exact same datetime.
So then I started researching what it takes to convert that to a datetime2(7) and alter those that are duplicate at that time. My table would then look like:
FileID int
Status tinyint
TouchedBy varchar(50)
TouchedWhen datetime2(7)
And a primarykey on FileID, Status and TouchedWhen
My question is this -- what is the best way to go through and add a millisecond to the existing tables if there are duplicates? How can I do this to a table that needs to remain online?
In advance, thanks,