
using namespace std;

int searchList( int[], int, int); // function prototype
const int SIZE = 8;

int main()
int nums[SIZE]={3, 6, -19, 5, 5, 0, -2, 99};
int found;
int num;

     // The loop would be here 
cout << "Enter a number to search for:" << endl;
cin >> num;

found = searchList(nums, SIZE, num);
if (found == -1)
    cout << "The number " << num
         << " was not found in the list" << endl;
    cout << "The number " << num <<" is in the " << found + 1
         << " position of the list" << endl;

return 0;


  int searchList( int List[], int numElems, int value)
 for (int count = 0;count <= numElems; count++)
    if (List[count] == value)
                  // each array entry is checked to see if it contains
                  // the desired value.
     return count;
                 // if the desired value is found, the array subscript
                 // count is returned to indicate the location in the array
return -1;       // if the value is not found, -1 is returned

2 回答 2



Post Case:当您需要循环至少运行一次(1次或多次)时

Pre Case:循环可以运行 0 次或更多次。

于 2013-11-18T19:02:45.217 回答

我必须说,我不完全确定你想知道什么。老实说,我会推荐一本关于 C++ 的好书。后测试循环在 C++ 中不是很流行(它们的形式是“do..while”,其中“while”循环/预测试循环更为常见)。此处提供了更多信息:“再玩一次 Sam”


 static const int SENTINEL = ??;
 int num;

 cout << "please input a number" << endl;
 cin >> num;
 while( num != SENTINEL ) {
      // DO STUFF HERE

      // Now get the next number
      cout << "please input a number" << endl;
      cin >> num;
于 2013-11-18T18:59:22.997 回答