I have an expensive function that I apply on all items of a slice. I'm using goroutines to deal with that, each goroutine dealing with one item of the slice.

func Huge(lst []foo) {
  for _, item := range lst {
     go performSlow(item)

  // How do I synchronize here ?
  return someValue(lst)

The question is, as shown in the comment, what is the preferred way to wait all goroutines have done their job before calling the someValue function ? Passing on a channel to performSlow and waiting until everyone has written on it works, but it seems overkill :

func Huge(lst []foo) {
  ch := make(chan bool)

  for _, item := range lst {
     go performSlow(item, ch)  // performSlow does its job, then writes a dummy value to ch

  for i := range lst {
     _ = <-ch

  return someValue(lst)

Is there a better (i.e. more efficient and/or more idiomatic) way to do it ?


1 回答 1


使用 sync.WaitGroup ( http://godoc.org/sync#WaitGroup )

func Huge(lst []foo) {
  var wg sync.WaitGroup
  for _, item := range lst {
     go func() {

  return someValue(lst)
于 2013-11-18T18:29:21.733 回答