0.05 * 3036 = 151.8
但是在每一行中选择大于 95% 分位数的值并不意味着您将系统地拥有 152 个值。如果你想保持你的对象尺寸,你可以尝试用NA
's 替换不需要的值。
# To extract your values...
myfun <- function(k, q){x[k, x[k,] > q]}
x <- matrix(sample(1:100, 60*3036, replace=TRUE), ncol=3036)
xx <- mapply(myfun, seq(along=x[,1]), rowQuantiles(x, probs=.95))
# xx is a list, xx[[1]] contains the values of x[1,] > quantile(x[1, ], .95)
# The number of selected values depends on their distribution - with NORM should be stable
x11() ; par(mfrow=c(2,1))
hist(sample(1:100, 60*3036, replace=TRUE)) # UNIF DISTRIB
n.val <- sapply(xx, length)
hist(n.val, xlab="n.val > q_95%")
abline(v=152, col="red", lwd=5)
# Assuming you want the same number of value for each row
n <- min(n.val)
myfun <- function(x){sample(x, n)} # Representative sample - Ordering is possible but introduce bias. Depends on your goals
xx <- t(sapply(xx, myfun))
dim(xx) # 60 n