我们有 Sencha Touch 应用程序。它显示各种内容,包括带有应用程序外部链接的页面(到不同的 Web 服务器)。我们所做的是添加了一个 inappbrowser 插件来处理链接。
this.getItemsDetail().element.on('tap', function(event, target) {
window.open(target.href, '_blank');
}, this, {delegate : 'a'});
这有效 - 记录了“点击”。子浏览器打开。问题是有时事件“失败”,错过了inappbrowser并加载到主webview中。我设法在 inappbrowser 类中切换调试。日志在底部。
2013-11-18 14:11:18.362 CDVWebViewDelegate: Navigation started when state=1
2013-11-18 14:11:18.363 Failed to load webpage with error: CDVWebViewDelegate: Navigation started when state=1
typedef enum {
} State;
但仍然 - 我不确定我做错了什么以及如何以“正确”状态加载网页。
16.285 tap
16.300 webView shouldLoad=1 (before) state=0 loadCount=-1 URL=http://spokendata.com/
16.300 webView shouldLoad=1 (after) isTopLevelNavigation=1 state=1 loadCount=0
16.301 webView didStartLoad (before). state=1 loadCount=0
16.301 webView didStartLoad (after). state=2 loadCount=1 fireCallback=1
16.465 webView didFinishLoad (before). state=2 loadCount=1
16.466 webView didFinishLoad (after). state=0 loadCount=0 fireCallback=1
18.362 webView shouldLoad=1 (before) state=1 loadCount=0 URL=http://spokendata.com/
18.362 CDVWebViewDelegate: Navigation started when state=1
18.363 Failed to load webpage with error: CDVWebViewDelegate: Navigation started when state=1
18.364 webView shouldLoad=1 (after) isTopLevelNavigation=1 state=1 loadCount=0
18.438 webView didStartLoad (before). state=1 loadCount=0
18.439 webView didStartLoad (after). state=2 loadCount=1 fireCallback=1
18.439 Resetting plugins due to page load.
18.553 webView didFinishLoad (before). state=2 loadCount=1
18.553 webView didFinishLoad (after). state=0 loadCount=0 fireCallback=1
18.553 Finished load of: http://spokendata.com/
18.995 webView shouldLoad=1 (before) state=0 loadCount=0 URL=http://spokendata.com/demo
18.996 webView shouldLoad=1 (after) isTopLevelNavigation=1 state=1 loadCount=0
18.997 webView didStartLoad (before). state=1 loadCount=0
18.997 webView didStartLoad (after). state=2 loadCount=1 fireCallback=1
18.997 Resetting plugins due to page load.
19.152 webView didFinishLoad (before). state=2 loadCount=1
19.152 webView didFinishLoad (after). state=0 loadCount=0 fireCallback=1
19.153 Finished load of: http://spokendata.com/demo
我们正在使用 Cordova 3.1.0-0.1.0
更新: 它偶尔会发生 - 有时有效,有时无效。它发生在各种页面(大小)上。我创建了一个应用程序(https://github.com/tomasfejfar/cordova-bug-01),我可以在其中复制问题。您只需尝试单击“SEZNAM”链接足够长的时间以显示“seznam.cz”而不是“google.com”...