I have a cs-cart project which display page titles in a way I do not want (well, in a way the client does not like).
I want it to display: On Home Page: Company Name On Other Pages: Comapny Name | Page Title (i.e. Company Name | About Us ), etc.
I have the following script:
{if $page_title && $controller != 'products' && $controller != 'categories'}
{foreach from=$breadcrumbs|array_reverse item=i name="bkt"}
{if !$smarty.foreach.bkt.last}{if !$smarty.foreach.bkt.first} - {/if}{$i.title|unescape|strip_tags|escape:"html"}{/if}
{if !$skip_page_title}{if $breadcrumbs|count > 1} - {/if}{$location_data.title|escape:"html"}{/if}
How to update the script to display what I want? You help is greatly appreciated.