I am using some filters to display the products. Filters like colors, price and stuff.
Link : http://www.applechain.com/products/iPod.php
I use this query
$sql = "Select *
from tbl_product
where device='iPhone'
and (color='$c1'
or color='$c2'
or color='$c3'
or color='$c4'
or color='$c5'
or color='$c6'
or color='$c7'
or color='$c8'
or color='$c9'
or color='$c10'
) and (storage='$cp1'
or storage='$cp2'
or storage='$cp3'
or storage='$cp4'
or storage='$cp5'
) and (f_unlock='$factory')
and (warranty='$warranty')
and (price >= '$price1'
and price <= '$price2'
order by product_id desc";
I am using the AND condition for main parameters. Now how do I display the result if my only two parameters gets satisfied. How to achieve that if color and storage parameters gets satisfied,it shows result based on them only irrespective of whether the others are selected or not.