使用有同样的问题。我创建了一个简单的扩展方法,将 L2E 对象“扁平化”为一个 IDictionary。IDictionary 由 JavaScriptSerializer 正确序列化。生成的 Json 与直接序列化对象相同。
由于我限制了序列化级别,因此避免了循环引用。它也不包括 1->n 链接表(实体集)。
private static IDictionary<string, object> JsonFlatten(object data, int maxLevel, int currLevel) {
var result = new Dictionary<string, object>();
var myType = data.GetType();
var myAssembly = myType.Assembly;
var props = myType.GetProperties();
foreach (var prop in props) {
// Remove EntityKey etc.
if (prop.Name.StartsWith("Entity")) {
if (prop.Name.EndsWith("Reference")) {
// Do not include lookups to linked tables
Type typeOfProp = prop.PropertyType;
if (typeOfProp.Name.StartsWith("EntityCollection")) {
// If the type is from my assembly == custom type
// include it, but flattened
if (typeOfProp.Assembly == myAssembly) {
if (currLevel < maxLevel) {
result.Add(prop.Name, JsonFlatten(prop.GetValue(data, null), maxLevel, currLevel + 1));
} else {
result.Add(prop.Name, prop.GetValue(data, null));
return result;
public static IDictionary<string, object> JsonFlatten(this Controller controller, object data, int maxLevel = 2) {
return JsonFlatten(data, maxLevel, 1);
我的 Action 方法如下所示:
public JsonResult AsJson(int id) {
var data = Find(id);
var result = this.JsonFlatten(data);
return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);