我有两个因素的数据集:Environments(4 个级别),Individuals(每个环境中 500 个)和响应变量YD。作为我分析的一部分,我必须通过以下方式从每个环境中随机抽取 100 个人:

  1. 在所有四个环境中相同的 100 个人(100 个人)
  2. 每个环境不同的 100 个人(100*4=400 个人)
  3. 2 个环境中相同的 100 个,其他 2 个环境中的另外 100 个(2*100=200 个人)

我已经使用几行代码解决了这个问题,但是我希望有人能帮助我生成一个 R 函数来做到这一点,这在其他情况下将非常有用。


  data (wheat)
  Data <- melt(Y)
  colnames(Data) <- c('Individuals','Environments','YD')

1 回答 1



我只是将答案包装在一个函数中。请注意,这仅对 4 个级别有效。

colnames(Data)<-c("Individuals","Environments","YD") #removed spaces from names

myfun <- function(DF, samplefrom, samplelevels, sampletype, samplesize)
 if(sampletype == "per1")
   Env1 = sample(unique(DF[[samplefrom]]), samplesize)
   Env2 <- Env3 <- Env4 <- Env1
 if(sampletype == "per4")
   Env1 = sample(unique(DF[[samplefrom]]), samplesize)
   Env2 = sample(unique(DF[[samplefrom]])[!unique(DF[[samplefrom]]) %in% Env1], samplesize)
   Env3 = sample(unique(DF[[samplefrom]])[!unique(DF[[samplefrom]]) %in% c(Env1, Env2)], samplesize)
   Env4 = sample(unique(DF[[samplefrom]])[!unique(DF[[samplefrom]]) %in% c(Env1, Env2, Env3)], samplesize)
 if(sampletype == "per2")
   Env1 = sample(unique(DF[[samplefrom]]), samplesize)
   Env2 <- Env1
   Env3 = sample(unique(DF[[samplefrom]])[!unique(DF[[samplefrom]]) %in% Env1], samplesize)
   Env4 <- Env3

  ret = do.call(rbind, mapply(function(ind, env) {df <- Data[DF[[samplelevels]] == env,]; 
                                                 df[df[[samplefrom]] %in% ind,]},
       env = as.list(sample(unique(DF[[samplelevels]]))), ind = list(Env1, Env2, Env3, Env4), 
            SIMPLIFY = F))    #in `env = ` added `sample` to select the environments 
                               #in random order and assign them the individuals

myfun(Data, "Individuals", "Environments", "per1", 2)
#     Individuals Environments         YD
#21         13954            1  0.6658681
#345       457982            1 -1.1022770
#620        13954            2 -0.4888968
#944       457982            2  0.6026167
#1219       13954            4 -0.7183965
#1543      457982            4  0.4881141
#1818       13954            5  0.2660623
#2142      457982            5 -2.0626073
myfun(Data, "Individuals", "Environments", "per2", 2)
#     Individuals Environments         YD
#25         15292            1 -1.1272386
#248       373045            1 -0.6659416
#624        15292            2 -0.2362053
#847       373045            2  0.5778210
#1260       62150            4  1.2077921
#1654     1541043            4  1.1406084
#1859       62150            5 -0.3358584
#2253     1541043            5  0.3897426
myfun(Data, "Individuals", "Environments", "per4", 2)
#     Individuals Environments         YD
#106        85786            1  1.4480500
#567      3830162            1 -1.8052577
#1029     1301802            2  0.2737786
#1043     1410845            2  1.0617118
#1630     1302304            4  0.6673241
#1678     1766332            4 -0.0451913
#1871       65315            5 -0.0597450
#2336     2621166            5  2.5590801

更新 2一些评论

mapply将函数顺序应用于多个参数。在这里,该函数有两个参数:indenv。函数 1) 对数据帧进行子集化,env并且 2) 对子集化数据帧进行子集化indenv是一个环境,是先前在 中计算的个体 ( , ...)ind的样本。要成为的函数的多个参数是:[1, 2, 3, 4] 和:[Env1, Env2, Env3, Env4]。依次获取and ,等等,并在列表中给出结果(必要的子集)。在数据框输出中加入列表。Env1myfunmappliedenvindmapplyenv = 1ind = Env1env = 2ind = Env2do.call(rbind,)

PS请注意,因为sampleis usedenv可以是 [1, 2, 3, 4] 或 [2, 4, 3, 1] 或其他任何东西,所以函数(将mapplied)参数的顺序组合不仅是env = 1andind = Env1而是env = 1 or 2 or 3 or 4and ind = Env1, and很快。

更新 3 和 4功能不同的 No 级别

No_different_samples是您希望采集的不同样本的数量;我将其设置为默认数量samplelevels(即每个级别都有不同的样本)。如果No_different_samples不适合 No 级别(即,如果您想要来自具有 4 个级别的总体中的 3 个不同样本(作为您的Data),它会引发错误;您必须选择 1 或 2 或4.

myfun2 <- function(DF, samplefrom, samplelevels, 
               No_different_samples = NULL, grouping = NULL, samplesize)
 samp <- sample(unique(DF[[samplefrom]]))
 levs <- unique(DF[[samplelevels]])

 if(is.null(No_different_samples)) No_different_samples <- length(levs)
 if(is.null(grouping)) grouping <- c(1, 1, 1, 1)    

 if(length(levs) %% No_different_samples) stop("an error message here")
 if(length(samp) < No_different_samples * samplesize) 
        stop("can't take a sample this large from the population")

 ls_diffr_samps <- vector("list", length = No_different_samples)
 for(i in 1:No_different_samples)
   ls_diffr_samps[[i]] <- samp[(i * samplesize - (samplesize - 1)) : (i * samplesize)]

 list_samples <- rep(ls_diffr_samps, times = grouping)  

 ret = do.call(rbind, mapply(function(ind, env) {df <- DF[DF[[samplelevels]] == env,]; 
                                                 df[df[[samplefrom]] %in% ind,]},
       env = as.list(sample(levs)), ind = list_samples, 
            SIMPLIFY = F))     


myfun2(Data, "Individuals", "Environments", 1, 4, 2) #same sample for all
myfun2(Data, "Individuals", "Environments", 2, c(2, 2), 2) #same sample per 2
myfun2(Data, "Individuals", "Environments", 2, c(3, 1), 2) #same sample for 3    
myfun2(Data, "Individuals", "Environments", 4, c(1, 1, 1, 1), 2) #different sample for all
于 2013-11-16T01:48:37.343 回答