我一直在为 Connect Four 游戏编写 alpha-beta 修剪代码,但我似乎无法做到正确。我以为我一开始就正确地实现了它,但是算法每次都会返回第 1 列。我有两个intvalnodeVal用于确定我的 alpha 和 beta 值。当我在alphaBetaPruning()算法中将它们实例化为 0 时,该alphaBetaSearch()方法返回的列始终为 1。如果我在算法之外实例化这些值alphaBetaPruning()alphaBetaSearch()算法会产生Null Pointer Exception




public class ConnectFourPlayer
  private final int columns = 7;

  private char currentPlayer;
  private char computer = 'C';
  private char opponent = 'P';
  private int depth = 8;
  //private int val = 0;
  //private int nodeVal = 0;
  private int minMax;

  * Constructor method creates the computer
  * player.

  public ConnectFourPlayer()


  * Method returns the number of children
  * given a board state. 

  public int numberOfChildren(ConnectFourBoard board)
    int count = 0;
    //count number of columns with empty slots
    for (int col = 0; col < columns; col++) 
      for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++)
        if ( board.board[row][col] == ' ')
    return count;

  * Method generates the children of a given
  * board state and stores them in the array
  * boardChildren[]. The array boardChildren
  * is the size of the number of possible 
  * children.

  public void generateChildren(ConnectFourBoard board)

    board.boardChildren = new ConnectFourBoard[this.numberOfChildren(board)];
    int childNumber = 0;
    for (int boardCol = 0; boardCol < columns; boardCol++)
      for (int boardRow = 0; boardRow < 6; boardRow++)
        if ( board.board[boardRow][boardCol] == ' ' )
          ConnectFourBoard childBoard = new ConnectFourBoard();
          for(int row = 0; row < 6; row++)
            for(int col = 0; col < columns; col++)
              childBoard.board[row][col] = board.board[row][col];
          childBoard.row = boardRow;
          childBoard.column = boardCol;
          childBoard.board[boardRow][boardCol] = currentPlayer;
          board.boardChildren[childNumber] = childBoard;

  * Method implements the alphaBetaPruning algorithm. 
  * Returns the column that corresponds to that 
  * column with the highest alphaBetaPruning value. 

  public int alphaBetaSearch(ConnectFourBoard board)
    minMax = 1;
    currentPlayer = computer;
    alphaBetaPruning(board, this.depth, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    return board.best.column;

  * Method returns the static evaluation function value of the
  * best possible move that will maximize the computer player's 
  * move value and also minimize the opponent's move value, 
  * given a depth limit.

  public int alphaBetaPruning(ConnectFourBoard board, int depth, int alpha, int beta)
    //create StaticEvaluationFunction object to evaluate each possible move
    StaticEvaluationFunction evaluator = new StaticEvaluationFunction();
    int val = 0;
    int nodeVal = 0;
    //check if the computer is in a goal state
    if(board.gameOver() == 'C')
      board.best = null;
      return evaluator.evaluate(board, this.currentPlayer);
    //check if depth limit was reached
    if(depth == 0)
      board.best = null;
      return evaluator.evaluate(board, this.currentPlayer);
    //fill the boardChildren[] array with all children of the current board
    int width = this.numberOfChildren(board);
    //check if the current board state has any children
    if(width == 0)
      board.best = null;
      return evaluator.evaluate(board, this.currentPlayer);
      int i = 0;
      boolean prune = false;
      while((!prune) && (i < width))
        //recursive call to alphaBetaPruning()
        val = alphaBetaPruning(board.boardChildren[i], (depth - 1), alpha, beta);
        if(i == 0)
          nodeVal = val;
        //check if current board is a minNode
          //check current child < smallest child so far
          if(val < nodeVal)
            //set nodeVal to smaller child
            nodeVal = val;
            //set best to this child board
            board.best = board.boardChildren[i];
          //check current child < smallest child so far (local)
          if(val < beta)
            //set beta to smaller child
            beta = val;
        //check if current board is a maxNode
          //check current child > biggest child so far
          if(val > nodeVal)
            //set nodeVal to bigger child
            nodeVal = val;
            //set best to this child board
            board.best = board.boardChildren[i];
          //check current child > biggest child so far (local)
          if(val > alpha)
            //set alpha to bigger child
            alpha = val;
        //check max so far > min so far
        if(alpha > beta)
          prune = true;
          return nodeVal;
        else i++;
      }//end while  
    return nodeVal;

  * Method returns true if the given board state is 
  * a max node.

  public boolean maxNode(ConnectFourBoard board)
    if(minMax == 1)
      minMax = 0;
      currentPlayer = opponent;
      return true;
    return false;

  * Method returns true if the given board state is
  * a min node.

  public boolean minNode(ConnectFourBoard board)
    if(minMax == 0)
      minMax = 1;
      currentPlayer = computer;
      return true;
    return false;

/**Holds the state of the board*/

public class ConnectFourBoard
  public final int rows = 6;
  public final int columns = 7;
  public char board[][] = new char[rows][columns];
  public ConnectFourBoard boardChildren[];
  public ConnectFourBoard best;
  public int column;
  public int row;
  * Method makes the computer player's move. First, 
  * checks if a move is allowed. If it is, that 
  * slot is set to the computer player's character. 
  * Returns true is a move is made and false 
  * otherwise.

  public int generateComputerPlayerMove(ConnectFourPlayer computer)
    int column = computer.alphaBetaSearch(this);
    //update grid
    for(int row = 0; row < board.length; row++)
      if(board[row][column] == ' ')
        board[row][column] = 'C';
    return column;

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