在我的画布上,我有圆 A 和圆 B。圆 A 将成为圆 B 的指定父级。我要开发的是两个形状之间的父子关系。因此,如果圆 A 在 X 轴上拖动 50 个单位,在 Y 轴上拖动 25 个单位,那么圆 B 也会这样移动。但是如果圈 B 被拖动,圈 A 将停留在最后一个位置。

我遇到的问题是重新拖动圆 A。从两个圆的初始位置,拖动圆 A 将相应地移动圆 B。但是一旦我释放鼠标并尝试再次拖动圆 A,圆 B 移动的单位数量比圆 A 的 x 位置多,而 y 单位的移动数量比圆 A 的 y 位置多。因此,每次我重新单击并拖动圆 A 时,每次按下鼠标按钮时,圆 B 都会以更远的距离递增到它自己的 x 和 y 轴上的新位置。

// initial positions of Circles (Part of Circle class which draws two circles)
int parentCirclePosX = 100;
int parentCirclePosY = 100;
int childCirclePosX = 103;
int childCirclePosY = 143;

public void mouseInput()
    getCanvas().addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter()
        public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent event)
            _cir.isDraggable = false;               
            Main.parentLabel.setText("Released " + _cir.isDraggable);               

        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event)

            // Original mouse coordinates before dragging
            last_x = _cir.getParentCircleX() - event.getX();
            last_y = _cir.getParentCircleY() - event.getY();

            // Child Circle's last position
            lastChildx = _cir.getChildCircleX();
            lastChildy = _cir.getChildCircleY();

            int button = event.getModifiers();

            // Check if mouse pointer is hovering over Parent Circle
            boolean inXBounds = event.getX() > _cir.getParentCircleX() && 
                    event.getX() < _cir.getParentCircleX() + _cir.PARENT_CIRCLE_SIZE;

            boolean inYBounds = event.getY() > _cir.getParentCircleY() && 
                    event.getY() < _cir.getParentCircleY() + _cir.PARENT_CIRCLE_SIZE;

            if (button == InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK && inXBounds && inYBounds)
                _cir.isDraggable = true;
                Main.parentLabel.setText("Pressed " + _cir.isDraggable);    

    getCanvas().addMouseMotionListener(new MouseAdapter()
        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent event)

            if (_bone.isDraggable)
                Main.parentLabel.setText(" Parent X: " + _cir.getParentCircleX() + " Y: " + _cir.getParentCircleY());
                Main.childLabel.setText("Child X: " + _cir.getChildCircleX() + " Y: " + _cir.getChildCircleY());

private void updateLocation(MouseEvent e)
    _cir.setParentCircleX(last_x  - _cir.PARENT_CIRCLE_SIZE / 2);
    _cir.setParentCircleY(last_y  - _cir.PARENT_CIRCLE_SIZE / 2);
    _cir.setChildCircleX(lastChildx + e.getX() - 108 );
    _cir.setChildCircleY(lastChildy + e.getY() - 108);

    last_x = e.getX();
    last_y = e.getY();

2 回答 2


您可以像这样创建两个布尔变量,并通过 if 语句包围移动处理程序,如下所示:

CircleAMoving = false;
CircleBMoving = false;

if(CircleAMoving){CircleAMoving = true; CircleBMoving = true;}
if(CircleBMoving){CircleAMoving = false;}

//move circle A like you want to.


//move circle B like you want to.

于 2013-11-15T08:55:07.980 回答

弄清楚是什么问题。问题是,在设置圆 B 的位置时,我没有计算保持圆 A 和圆 B 之间的距离:

// store distance between circle's axes for later (called in constructor)
 offsetX = _bone.getParentCircleX() - _bone.getChildCircleX();
offsetY = _bone.getParentCircleY() - _bone.getChildCircle();

// helper for mimicking Circle A's movement (called in updateLocation())
int diffX = e.getX() - last_x;
int diffY = e.getY() - last_y;

_cir.setChildCircleX(lastChildx - diffX - (_cir.PARENT_CIRCLE_SIZE / 2)) 
_cir.setChildCircleY(lastChildY - diffY - (_cir.PARENT_CIRCLE_SIZE / 2));

// update position and readjust for next time
lastChildx = last_x - offsetX;
lastChildy = last_y - offsetY;
于 2013-11-15T09:05:18.560 回答