Currently I have a Play! 2.1 project that is a sub-project of an SBT Multi-Project that is a front-end interface. The Play! project uses SecureSocial for typical authentication.
I will typically first start the SBT console to run my internal services locally in separate terminals. Finally I perform a play "project interface" "~run 9000"
command in a new window to start up the interface sub-project using Play!. Problem is that on a fresh load (even after a clean) SecureSocial does not use my extended services and providers, and instead falls back on its own.
I will make a source change and reload, where SecureSocial will then use my own classes but suddenly starts throwing ClassCast
exceptions using two of the same types, indicating there are conflicting ClassLoaders.
Is there a proper way to set this up so this doesn't happen? Thanks for your help!