I've been out of web design for quite a while and someone has asked me for help on reproducing this effect: http://www.jetsetter.com/destinations/italy?nm=destinations
I've gotten pretty close here with someone else's help, but now I can't get the background to change. It works when I change background-color, but not background-image.
Can someone take a look and see what I missed?
// attach a waypoint to each div.waypoint element
// the callback is executed every time the user scrolls past
// see http://imakewebthings.com/jquery-waypoints/#docs
// you can use the direction parameter here to check which way the user was scrolling if you need
// get the background-image source from the data-src property on the DOM element
var backgroundSrc = $(this).attr('data-src');
// now update the CSS for the body
'background-image': backgroundSrc