我是 Angular 的新手,想学习处理问题的最佳方法。我的目标是有一种可重用的方法来按标题创建组。我创建了一个可行的解决方案,但我认为这应该是一个指令,而不是我的控制器中的范围函数,但我不确定如何实现这一点,或者指令是否是正确的方法。任何输入将不胜感激。


在 HTML 中,它是一个使用 ng-repeat 的简单列表,我在 ng-show 上调用我的 newGrouping() 函数。该函数传递对完整列表、我要分组的字段和当前索引的引用。

<div ng-app>
<div ng-controller='TestGroupingCtlr'>
    <div ng-repeat='item in MyList'>
        <div ng-show="newGrouping($parent.MyList, 'GroupByFieldName', $index);">

在我的控制器中,我有我的 newGrouping() 函数,它只是将当前与前一个进行比较,除了第一项,并根据匹配返回 true 或 false。

function TestGroupingCtlr($scope) {

  $scope.MyList = [
    {GroupByFieldName:'Group 1', whatever:'abc'},
    {GroupByFieldName:'Group 1', whatever:'def'},
    {GroupByFieldName:'Group 2', whatever:'ghi'},
    {GroupByFieldName:'Group 2', whatever:'jkl'},
    {GroupByFieldName:'Group 2', whatever:'mno'}

  $scope.newGrouping = function(group_list, group_by, index) {
  if (index > 0) {
    prev = index - 1;
    if (group_list[prev][group_by] !== group_list[index][group_by]) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;
  } else {
    return true;


第 1 组

  • 美国广播公司
  • 定义

第 2 组

  • jkl
  • mno



更新:寻找不需要外部依赖的答案。使用 underscore/lodash 或 angular-filter 模块有很好的解决方案。



9 回答 9


这是对上述 Darryl 解决方案的修改,它允许多个 group by 参数。此外,它利用 $parse 允许使用嵌套属性作为分组参数。




<h1>Multiple Grouping Parameters</h1>
<div ng-repeat="item in MyList  | orderBy:'groupfield' | groupBy:['groupfield', 'deep.category']">
    <h2 ng-show="item.group_by_CHANGED">{{item.groupfield}} {{item.deep.category}}</h2>


app.filter('groupBy', ['$parse', function ($parse) {
    return function (list, group_by) {

        var filtered = [];
        var prev_item = null;
        var group_changed = false;
        // this is a new field which is added to each item where we append "_CHANGED"
        // to indicate a field change in the list
        //was var new_field = group_by + '_CHANGED'; - JB 12/17/2013
        var new_field = 'group_by_CHANGED';

        // loop through each item in the list
        angular.forEach(list, function (item) {

            group_changed = false;

            // if not the first item
            if (prev_item !== null) {

                // check if any of the group by field changed

                //force group_by into Array
                group_by = angular.isArray(group_by) ? group_by : [group_by];

                //check each group by parameter
                for (var i = 0, len = group_by.length; i < len; i++) {
                    if ($parse(group_by[i])(prev_item) !== $parse(group_by[i])(item)) {
                        group_changed = true;

            }// otherwise we have the first item in the list which is new
            else {
                group_changed = true;

            // if the group changed, then add a new field to the item
            // to indicate this
            if (group_changed) {
                item[new_field] = true;
            } else {
                item[new_field] = false;

            prev_item = item;


        return filtered;
于 2013-12-17T22:22:46.047 回答

如果您已经在使用LoDash /Underscore 或任何函数库,则可以使用_.groupBy()(或类似名称)函数来执行此操作。


var movies = [{"movieId":"1","movieName":"Edge of Tomorrow","lang":"English"},
              {"movieId":"3","movieName":"Gabbar Singh 2","lang":"Telugu"},
              {"movieId":"4","movieName":"Resu Gurram","lang":"Telugu"}];
$scope.movies = _.groupBy(movies, 'lang');


<ul ng-repeat="(lang, langMovs) in movies">{{lang}}
  <li ng-repeat="mov in langMovs">{{mov.movieName}}</li>



  • 明天之边缘
  • X战警


  • 加巴尔·辛格 2
  • 瑞苏·古拉姆



通常使用多个键进行分组非常有用。例如,使用 LoDash ( source ):

$scope.movies = _.groupBy(movies, function(m) {
    return m.lang+ "-" + m.movieName;

更新我推荐这种方法的原因:ng-repeat在/ 上使用过滤器ng-options会导致严重的性能问题,除非该过滤器快速执行。谷歌过滤器性能问题。你会知道的!

于 2014-06-30T18:41:35.807 回答

这是我最终决定在 ng-repeat 中处理分组的内容。我阅读了更多关于指令和过滤器的内容,虽然您可以使用其中任何一种来解决这个问题,但过滤器方法似乎是更好的选择。原因是过滤器更适合只需要处理数据的情况。当需要 DOM 操作时,指令会更好。在这个例子中,我真的只需要操作数据并且不理会 DOM。我觉得这提供了最大的灵活性。



<div ng-app="myApp">
    <div ng-controller='TestGroupingCtlr'>
        <div ng-repeat="item in MyList  | orderBy:'groupfield' | groupBy:'groupfield'" >
            <h2 ng-show="item.groupfield_CHANGED">{{item.groupfield}}</h2>

        <form role="form" ng-submit="AddItem()">
            <input type="text" data-ng-model="item.groupfield" placeholder="Group">
            <input type="text" data-ng-model="item.whatever" placeholder="Item">
            <input class="btn" type="submit" value="Add Item">



var app=angular.module('myApp',[]);

app.controller('TestGroupingCtlr',function($scope) {

        $scope.MyList = [
            {groupfield: 'Group 1', whatever: 'abc'},
            {groupfield: 'Group 1', whatever: 'def'},
            {groupfield: 'Group 2', whatever: 'ghi'},
            {groupfield: 'Group 2', whatever: 'jkl'},
            {groupfield: 'Group 2', whatever: 'mno'}

        $scope.AddItem = function() {

            // add to our js object array


 * groupBy
 * Define when a group break occurs in a list of items
 * @param {array}  the list of items
 * @param {String} then name of the field in the item from the list to group by
 * @returns {array} the list of items with an added field name named with "_new"
 *                  appended to the group by field name
 * @example     <div ng-repeat="item in MyList  | groupBy:'groupfield'" >
 *              <h2 ng-if="item.groupfield_CHANGED">{{item.groupfield}}</h2>
 *              Typically you'll want to include Angular's orderBy filter first

app.filter('groupBy', function(){
    return function(list, group_by) {

    var filtered = [];
    var prev_item = null;
    var group_changed = false;
    // this is a new field which is added to each item where we append "_CHANGED"
    // to indicate a field change in the list
    var new_field = group_by + '_CHANGED';

    // loop through each item in the list
    angular.forEach(list, function(item) {

        group_changed = false;

        // if not the first item
        if (prev_item !== null) {

            // check if the group by field changed
            if (prev_item[group_by] !== item[group_by]) {
                group_changed = true;

        // otherwise we have the first item in the list which is new
        } else {
            group_changed = true;

        // if the group changed, then add a new field to the item
        // to indicate this
        if (group_changed) {
            item[new_field] = true;
        } else {
            item[new_field] = false;

        prev_item = item;


    return filtered;


我不喜欢指令方法的地方在于 HTML 在指令中,因此感觉不可重用。


关于我的 groupBy 过滤器的另一条评论——我确实意识到多个分组会导致数组被多次遍历,所以我计划修改它以接受多个 group by 字段的数组,以便它只需要遍历数组一次.

非常感谢您的投入。它确实帮助我更多地了解 Angular 中的指令和过滤器。


于 2013-11-26T03:00:02.360 回答

下面是一个基于指令的解决方案,以及演示它的 JSFiddle 的链接。该指令允许每个实例指定它应该分组的项目的字段名称,因此有一个使用两个不同字段的示例。它在项目数量上具有线性运行时间。


<div ng-app='myApp'>
    <div ng-controller='TestGroupingCtlr'>
        <h1>Grouping by FirstFieldName</h1>
        <div group-with-headers to-group="MyList" group-by="FirstFieldName">
        <h1>Grouping by SecondFieldName</h1>
        <div group-with-headers to-group="MyList" group-by="SecondFieldName">

angular.module('myApp', []).directive('groupWithHeaders', function() {
    return {
        template: "<div ng-repeat='(group, items) in groups'>" +
                    "<h2>{{group}}</h2>" +
                    "<div ng-repeat='item in items'>" +
                      "{{item.whatever}}" +   
                    "</div>" +
        scope: true,
        link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
            var to_group = scope.$eval(attrs.toGroup);
            scope.groups = {};
            for (var i = 0; i < to_group.length; i++) {
                var group = to_group[i][attrs.groupBy];
                if (group) {
                    if (scope.groups[group]) {
                    } else {
                        scope.groups[group] = [to_group[i]];

function TestGroupingCtlr($scope) {

  $scope.MyList = [
    {FirstFieldName:'Group 1', SecondFieldName:'Group a', whatever:'abc'},
    {FirstFieldName:'Group 1', SecondFieldName:'Group b', whatever:'def'},
    {FirstFieldName:'Group 2', SecondFieldName:'Group c', whatever:'ghi'},
    {FirstFieldName:'Group 2', SecondFieldName:'Group a', whatever:'jkl'},
    {FirstFieldName:'Group 2', SecondFieldName:'Group b', whatever:'mno'}
于 2013-11-16T06:57:59.147 回答

AngularJS 有三个指令来帮助你显示信息组。这些指令是 ngRepeat、ngRepeatStart 和 ngRepeatEnd。我发现一篇博客文章展示了如何在 AngularJS 中显示组。它的要点是这样的:

<body ng-controller="OrdersCtrl">
  <div ng-repeat-start="customer in customers" class="header">{{customer.name}}</div>
  <div ng-repeat="order in customer.orders">{{order.total}} - {{order.description}}</div>
  <div ng-repeat-end><br /></div>


于 2014-04-27T14:52:07.360 回答

JoshMB 的代码将无法正常工作,因为您在同一视图中的同一数据集上有多个过滤器。第二次对数据集的过滤版本进行分组时,它将更改原始对象中的相同属性,从而打破先前过滤版本中的分组分隔符。


 * groupBy
 * Define when a group break occurs in a list of items
 * @param {array}  the list of items
 * @param {String} then name of the field in the item from the list to group by
 * @param {String} then name boolean attribute that indicated the group changed for this filtered version of the set

 * @returns {array} the list of items with an added field name named with "_new"
 *                  appended to the group by field name
 * @example     <div ng-repeat="item in MyList | filter:'a' | groupBy:'groupfield':'Agroup_CHANGED'" >
 *              <h2 ng-if="item.Agroupfield_CHANGED">{{item.groupfield}}</h2>
 *              <!-- now a differen filtered subset -->
 *              <div ng-repeat="item in MyList | filter:'b' | groupBy:'groupfield':'Bgroup_CHANGED'" >
 *              <h2 ng-if="item.Bgroupfield_CHANGED">{{item.groupfield}}</h2>
 *              Typically you'll want to include Angular's orderBy filter first

app.filter('groupBy', ['$parse', function ($parse) {
    return function (list, group_by, group_changed_attr) {

        var filtered = [];
        var prev_item = null;
        var group_changed = false;
        // this is a new field which is added to each item where we append "_CHANGED"
        // to indicate a field change in the list
        //var new_field = group_by + '_CHANGED'; //- JB 12/17/2013
        var new_field = 'group_by_CHANGED';
        if(group_changed_attr != undefined) new_field = group_changed_attr;  // we need this of we want to group different filtered versions of the same set of objects !

        // loop through each item in the list
        angular.forEach(list, function (item) {

            group_changed = false;

            // if not the first item
            if (prev_item !== null) {

                // check if any of the group by field changed

                //force group_by into Array
                group_by = angular.isArray(group_by) ? group_by : [group_by];

                //check each group by parameter
                for (var i = 0, len = group_by.length; i < len; i++) {
                    if ($parse(group_by[i])(prev_item) !== $parse(group_by[i])(item)) {
                        group_changed = true;

            }// otherwise we have the first item in the list which is new
            else {
                group_changed = true;

            // if the group changed, then add a new field to the item
            // to indicate this
            if (group_changed) {
                item[new_field] = true;
            } else {
                item[new_field] = false;

            prev_item = item;


        return filtered;
于 2014-05-22T13:27:14.160 回答



<div ng-app="myApp">
    <div ng-controller='TestGroupingCtlr'>
        <div ng-repeat='group in getGroups()'>
                <!-- could use another scope variable as predicate -->
                <li ng-repeat="item in MyList |  groupby:group">{{item.whatever}}</li>


var app=angular.module('myApp',[]);
app.filter('groupby', function(){
    return function(items,group){       
       return items.filter(function(element, index, array) {
            return element.GroupByFieldName==group;

app.controller('TestGroupingCtlr',function($scope) {

    $scope.MyList = [{  GroupByFieldName: 'Group 1', whatever: 'abc'},
                     {GroupByFieldName: 'Group 1',whatever: 'def'}, 
                     {GroupByFieldName: 'Group 2',whatever: 'ghi' },
                     {GroupByFieldName: 'Group 2',whatever: 'jkl'}, 
                     {GroupByFieldName: 'Group 2',whatever: 'mno'  }
    $scope.getGroups = function () {
        var groupArray = [];
        angular.forEach($scope.MyList, function (item, idx) {
            if (groupArray.indexOf(item.GroupByFieldName) == -1)
        return groupArray.sort();



于 2013-11-15T02:29:15.523 回答


<!doctype html>  
<html ng-app>  
    <script src="lib/angular/angular.min.js"></script>  
        function TestCtrl($scope) {  
            $scope.items = [  
                { id: 0, name: "Red"},  
                { id: 1, name: "Red"},  
                { id: 2, name: "Red"},  
                { id: 3, name: "Red"},  
                { id: 4, name: "Yellow"},  
                { id: 5, name: "Orange"}  
<body ng-controller="TestCtrl">  
<ul ng-repeat="a in items" ng-if="a.name!=items[$index-1].name">  
    {{ a.name }}  
    <li ng-repeat="b in items" ng-if="a.name==b.name">  
        {{ b.id }}  
于 2014-01-11T11:48:22.543 回答
try this:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>Example - example-example58-production</title>

  <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.0-beta.5/angular.min.js"></script>

<body ng-app="">
    function Ctrl($scope) {
      $scope.friends =
          [{name:'John', phone:'555-1212', age:10},
           {name:'Mary', phone:'555-9876', age:19},
           {name:'Mike', phone:'555-4321', age:21},
           {name:'Adam', phone:'555-5678', age:35},
           {name:'John', phone:'555-1212', age:10},
           {name:'John', phone:'555-1212', age:10},
           {name:'John', phone:'555-1212', age:10},
           {name:'John', phone:'555-1212', age:10},
           {name:'Julie', phone:'555-8765', age:29},
           {name:'Mike', phone:'555-4321', age:21},
           {name:'Adam', phone:'555-5678', age:35},
           {name:'Mike', phone:'555-4321', age:21},
           {name:'Adam', phone:'555-5678', age:35},
           {name:'Mike', phone:'555-4321', age:21},
           {name:'Adam', phone:'555-5678', age:35}]
  <div ng-controller="Ctrl">
  <div ng-init="friendx=(friends|orderBy:'age')"> </div>
    <table class="friend" ng-repeat="friend in friendx">
      <td ng-if="friendx[$index].age!=friendx[$index-1].age">{{friend.age}}</td>
</body>enter code here

  [1]: http://plnkr.co/edit/UhqKwLx1yo2ua44HjY59?p=preview
于 2014-04-09T00:43:23.177 回答