所以这就是我所写的。声明了三个类: Main Term Polynom

所以在 Polynom 我尝试调用“加号”方法:


    public Polynom add(Polynom pol){

    Polynom res = new Polynom("",0);
    Term tox = new Term(0,0);

    for(Term p : Polynom){

            for(Term other : pol.Polynom ){
                    tox.setCoef(p.getCoef()+ other.getCoef());

    return res;

我面临一个问题:我引用了一个对象 this 并且我正在进入另一个对象,这也是一个 this 。所以当我尝试添加两个多项式时,我得到了错误的结果。


private ArrayList<Term> Polynom = new ArrayList<Term>();
private String name;
private double number;


public class Term {
private int deg;
private double coef;

2 回答 2







package poly;

import java.util.Iterator;

 * IMonomial
 * @author Michael
 * @since 5/27/11
public interface IMonomial {
    double TOLERANCE = 1.0E-4;

    boolean hasChildren();

    int getNumTerms();

    double getCoeff();

    int getExpon();

    Iterator<IMonomial> iterator();

    IMonomial add(IMonomial other);

    IMonomial sub(IMonomial other);

    IMonomial mul(IMonomial other);

    IMonomial div(IMonomial other);

    IMonomial integrate();

    IMonomial differentiate();

    double evaluate(double value);


package poly;

import java.util.Iterator;

public class Monomial implements IMonomial {
    private final double coeff;
    private final int expon;

    public Monomial() {
        this(0.0, 0);

    public Monomial(double coeff) {
        this(coeff, 0);

    public Monomial(double coeff, int expon) {
        this.coeff = coeff;
        this.expon = expon;

    public boolean hasChildren() {
        return false;

    public int getNumTerms() {
        return 1;

    public double getCoeff() {
        return this.coeff;

    public int getExpon() {
        return expon;

    public Iterator<IMonomial> iterator() {
        return new Iterator<IMonomial>() {

            private boolean hasNext = true;

            public boolean hasNext() {
                return hasNext;

            public IMonomial next() {
                hasNext = false;
                return new Monomial(getCoeff(), getExpon());

            public void remove() {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("remove() is not implemented");

    public IMonomial add(IMonomial other) {
        if (this.expon != other.getExpon())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Exponents must match in order to add");

        return new Monomial((this.getCoeff() + other.getCoeff()), this.expon);

    public IMonomial sub(IMonomial other) {
        if (this.expon != other.getExpon())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Exponents must match in order to subtract");

        return new Monomial((this.getCoeff() - other.getCoeff()), this.expon);

    public IMonomial mul(IMonomial other) {
        return new Monomial((this.getCoeff() * other.getCoeff()), (this.expon + other.getExpon()));

    public IMonomial div(IMonomial other) {
        return new Monomial((this.getCoeff() / other.getCoeff()), (this.expon - other.getExpon()));

    public IMonomial integrate() {
        if (Math.abs(this.getCoeff()) < IMonomial.TOLERANCE) return new Monomial(1.0);
        else return new Monomial(this.getCoeff() / (this.getExpon() + 1.0), (this.getExpon() + 1));

    public IMonomial differentiate() {
        return ((this.getExpon() == 0) ? new Monomial() : new Monomial(this.getCoeff() * this.getExpon(), (this.getExpon() - 1)));

    public double evaluate(double value) {
        return this.coeff * Math.pow(value, this.expon);

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o) {
            return true;
        if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
            return false;

        Monomial monomial = (Monomial) o;

        if (Double.compare(monomial.getCoeff(), getCoeff()) != 0) {
            return false;
        if (expon != monomial.expon) {
            return false;

        return true;

    public int hashCode() {
        int result;
        long temp;
        temp = getCoeff() != +0.0d ? Double.doubleToLongBits(getCoeff()) : 0L;
        result = (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
        result = 31 * result + expon;
        return result;

    public String toString() {
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        if (getCoeff() > 0.0) sb.append('+');
        if (expon != 0) {
            if (Math.abs(getCoeff()) > IMonomial.TOLERANCE) sb.append('x');
            if (expon != 1) sb.append('^').append(expon);
        return sb.toString();


package poly;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;

 * Polynomial
 * @author Michael
 * @since 5/27/11
public class Polynomial implements IMonomial {
    private Map<Integer, IMonomial> terms;

    public Polynomial() {

    private void init() {
        this.terms = new HashMap<Integer, IMonomial>();

    public Polynomial(IMonomial other) {

        if (other.hasChildren()) {
            Polynomial p = (Polynomial) other;
            for (IMonomial term : p.terms.values()) {
                this.terms.put(term.getExpon(), term);
        } else {
            this.terms.put(other.getExpon(), other);

    public boolean hasChildren() {
        return (this.terms.size() > 0);

    public int getNumTerms() {
        return this.terms.size();

    public double getCoeff() {
        return ((this.terms.size() == 0) ? 0.0 : this.terms.get(Collections.max(this.terms.keySet())).getCoeff());

    public int getExpon() {
        return ((this.terms.size() == 0) ? 0 : this.terms.get(Collections.max(this.terms.keySet())).getExpon());

    public Iterator<IMonomial> iterator() {
        return this.terms.values().iterator();

    public IMonomial add(IMonomial other) {
        if (other.hasChildren()) {
            Iterator<IMonomial> iterator = this.terms.values().iterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                IMonomial next = iterator.next();
        } else {
            IMonomial term = this.terms.get(other.getExpon());

            if (term != null) {

                this.terms.put(other.getExpon(), term.add(other));
            } else {
                this.terms.put(other.getExpon(), other);

        return new Polynomial(this);

    public IMonomial sub(IMonomial other) {
        if (other.hasChildren()) {
            Iterator<IMonomial> iterator = this.terms.values().iterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                IMonomial next = iterator.next();
        } else {
            IMonomial term = this.terms.get(other.getExpon());

            if (term != null) {

                this.terms.put(other.getExpon(), term.sub(other));
            } else {
                this.terms.put(other.getExpon(), new Monomial(-other.getCoeff(), other.getExpon()));

        return new Polynomial(this);

    public IMonomial mul(IMonomial other) {
        Polynomial value = new Polynomial();

        for (IMonomial term : terms.values()) {

        return value;

    public IMonomial div(IMonomial other) {
        Polynomial value = new Polynomial();

        for (IMonomial term : terms.values()) {

        return value;

    public IMonomial integrate() {
        Polynomial value = new Polynomial();

        for (IMonomial term : terms.values()) {

        return value;

    public IMonomial differentiate() {
        Polynomial value = new Polynomial();

        for (IMonomial term : terms.values()) {

        return value;

    public double evaluate(double value) {
        double sum = 0.0;

        for (IMonomial term : this.terms.values()) {
            sum += term.evaluate(value);

        return sum;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o) {
            return true;
        if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
            return false;

        Polynomial that = (Polynomial) o;

        if (terms != null ? !terms.equals(that.terms) : that.terms != null) {
            return false;

        return true;

    public int hashCode() {
        return terms != null ? terms.hashCode() : 0;

    public String toString() {
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (IMonomial term : this.terms.values()) {
        return sb.toString();
于 2013-11-14T22:28:41.747 回答


Polynom res = new Polynom("",0);

for(Term p : Polynom){
  Term tox = new Term(0,0); // Here's the change

  for(Term other : pol.Polynom ){
      tox.setCoef(p.getCoef()+ other.getCoef());


List<Term> sorted1;
List<Term> sorted2; // Sort both lists of Terms in ascending order of degree

while( sorted1.size() > 0 || sorted2.size() > 0 ) {
  if( sorted1.size() == 0 ) {
    // Make a new term from the last element of sorted2
    sorted2.remove( sorted2.size() - 1);
  else if( sorted2.size() == 0 ) {
    // Make a new term from the last element of sorted1
    sorted1.remove( sorted1.size() - 1);
  else {
    // Figure out whether the terms have the same degree or not - if they do,
    // add them together into one term. Otherwise, choose the one with the larger
    // degree.
    // ...


于 2013-11-14T23:00:24.233 回答