有谁知道是否可以使用 Fine Uploader 上传到 S3 存储桶内的文件夹?我尝试向请求端点添加一个 '\foldername' 但没有运气。
有谁知道是否可以使用 Fine Uploader 上传到 S3 存储桶内的文件夹?我尝试向请求端点添加一个 '\foldername' 但没有运气。
S3 doesn't have folders. Some UIs (such as the one in the AWS console) and higher-level APIs may provide this concept, as an abstraction, but S3 doesn't have any native understanding of folders, only keys. You can create any key you want and pass it along to Fine Uploader S3, it will store that file given that specific key. For example, "folder1/subfolder/foobar.txt" is a perfectly valid key name. By default, Fine Uploader generates a UUID and uses that as your object's key name, but you can easily change this by providing an objectProperties.key
value, which can also be a function. See the S3 objectProperties
option in the documentation for more details.
var uploader = new qq.s3.FineUploader({
// ...
objectProperties: {
key: function(fileId) {
return 'folder/within/bucket/' + this.getUuid(fileId);
// ....
objectProperties: {
key: function (fileId) {
var filename = $('#fineuploader-s3').fineUploader('getName', fileId);
var uuid = $('#fineuploader-s3').fineUploader('getUuid', fileId);
var ext = filename.substr(filename.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
return 'folder/within/bucket/' + uuid + '.' + ext;
uploader.on('submit', (id) => {
const key = s3Uploader.methods.getUuid(id)
const newkey = 'folder/within/bucket/' + key
uploader.methods.setUuid(id, newkey)