i am not really sure how to ask this question properly. so apologies in advance.
but it's basically around how to make an existing app, with a UI, run as a scheduled task with no UI.
I have a winforms app written in vs2012 with 2 forms.
the first form is the login, straight forward, but currently expects user interaction of their username and password.
the second is the main form. which does the main work when you hit the "start" button.
what I am trying to achieve it is for me to send it some command line parameters that would run it without any ui as a scheduled task.
so, I'm guessing, I need get rid of needing the user to input login details. and somehow trigger the "start download" button and make it invisible.
I've worked out how to send command line parameters and can see how to get the software to do something different if it hears /silent but how do I hide the forms?
I'm lost.
any help would be much appreciated!