How do you enable CTRL key for the Visual Studio Browser Link integration?

Scott Hanselman discusses it here around 1:06:00 during the VS 2013 Launch Event. I'm not sure how to activate or enable the realtime HTML Edit feature so I can edit in the browser and have the changes pushed back to Visual Studio.

Has anyone tried this out yet or can provide clues? I have VS 2013 RTM - I can't seem to find any update for ASP.NET Web Tools that may have changed this behavior. Is this an IE only behavior or is it browser independent? It sounds like it just injects additional HTML into the page.

Browser Link CTRL Activation


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根据MSDN 博客,这似乎是浏览器链接功能的Web Essentials 2013扩展。Visual Studio 为Hanselman 共享的Browser Link提供了可扩展性。

通过 Web Essentials 的浏览器链接扩展

查看站点时,您可以使用CTRL++ALT启用更新 Visual Studio 源的D设计模式。浏览器链接的Web 浏览器设计模式独立于浏览器。要为非调试模式启用它,您需要添加以下...appSettings

<add key="vs:enableBrowserLink" value="true" />
于 2013-11-14T16:34:26.553 回答