N 维空间中的单元格使用下面的 2 个表格进行建模。需要一个脚本来获取单个单元格(通过 CellID)并返回所有其他单元格,这些单元格沿每个轴(包括其自身)与给定单元格“内联”。

例如,假设空间有 3 个维度(X、Y、Z),X 有 2 个位置,Y 有 2 个,Z 有 3 个。如果给定坐标为 {1,1,1} 的单元格,结果应该是:

| AxisCode |  Cell   |
| X        | {1,1,1} |   <- showing coordinates for clarity, but should be CellID
| X        | {2,1,1} |
| Y        | {1,1,1} |
| Y        | {1,2,1} |
| Z        | {1,1,1} |
| Z        | {1,1,2} |
| Z        | {1,1,3} |


请注意: 更改 3 个表的架构不是一种选择!该脚本必须适用于 N 维,并且不应涉及循环或光标。

兼容性必须是 MS SQL 2008 R2


create table dbo.Cells(
    CellID int not null,
    CellValue int not null,
    constraint PK_Cells primary key (CellID)

create table dbo.AxisPositions(
    AxisCode char(1) not null,      -- X, Y, Z etc
    PositionOnAxis int not null,    -- 1, 2, 3, 4 etc
    constraint PK_AxisPositions primary key (AxisCode, PositionOnAxis)

create table dbo.CellAxes(
    CellID int not null,
    AxisCode char(1) not null,      -- X, Y, Z etc
    PositionOnAxis int not null,    -- 1, 2, 3, 4 etc
    constraint PK_CellAxes primary key (CellID, AxisCode),
    constraint FK_CellAxes_Cells foreign key (CellID) references Cells(CellID),
    constraint FK_CellAxes_AxisPositions foreign key (AxisCode, PositionOnAxis) references AxisPositions(AxisCode, PositionOnAxis)

-- Example data

insert Cells (CellID, CellValue)
values (1, 67), (2, 45), (3, 0), (4, 4), (5, 78), (6, 213), (7, 546), (8, 455), (9, 12), (10, 67), (11, 4), (12, 5)

insert AxisPositions (AxisCode, PositionOnAxis)
values ('X', 1), ('X', 2), ('Y', 1), ('Y', 2), ('Z', 1), ('Z', 2), ('Z', 3)

insert CellAxes (CellID, AxisCode, PositionOnAxis)
values  (1, 'X', 1), (1, 'Y', 1), (1, 'Z', 1),
        (2, 'X', 2), (2, 'Y', 1), (2, 'Z', 1),
        (3, 'X', 1), (3, 'Y', 2), (3, 'Z', 1),
        (4, 'X', 2), (4, 'Y', 2), (4, 'Z', 1),
        (5, 'X', 1), (5, 'Y', 1), (5, 'Z', 2),
        (6, 'X', 2), (6, 'Y', 1), (6, 'Z', 2),
        (7, 'X', 1), (7, 'Y', 2), (7, 'Z', 2),
        (8, 'X', 2), (8, 'Y', 2), (8, 'Z', 2),
        (9, 'X', 1), (9, 'Y', 1), (9, 'Z', 3),
        (10, 'X', 2), (10, 'Y', 1), (10, 'Z', 3),
        (11, 'X', 1), (11, 'Y', 2), (11, 'Z', 3),
        (12, 'X', 2), (12, 'Y', 2), (12, 'Z', 3)

4 回答 4

select x.AxisCode, a2.CellID
from CellAxes a1
inner join CellAxes a2 on a2.AxisCode = a1.AxisCode
inner join CellAxes x on x.CellID = a1.CellID
where (a1.AxisCode = x.AxisCode or a1.PositionOnAxis = a2.PositionOnAxis)
and a1.CellID = @CellID -- Cell to match against
group by x.AxisCode, a2.CellID
having count(*) = (select count(distinct AxisCode) from CellAxes where CellID = @CellID)
于 2013-11-14T17:16:04.897 回答

根据您问题中的原始两个表,您可以编写动态 SQL 来创建列,然后您可以使用这些列与您用来定义“内联”的任何内容进行比较。

-- Build list of column values to pivot
SELECT @cols =
STUFF((SELECT N'],[' + axiscode
       FROM (SELECT DISTINCT axiscode FROM CellAxes) AS O(axiscode)
       ORDER BY axiscode
       FOR XML PATH('')
      ), 1, 2, '') + N']';

SELECT @cols;

-- Build dynamic SQL query for pivoting   
SET @sql =
N'WITH pivotedData AS (SELECT CellID, ' + @cols +
N'FROM CellAxes ' +
N'(MAX(PositionOnAxis) FOR AxisCode IN (' + @cols + N')) AS P)' + 
N'SELECT * from pivotedData'
-- Modify this query with a generated WHERE clause that defines what "inline" means.


请注意,@BillKarwin 是正确的 - 没有安全的推荐方法可以使用直接 SQL 执行此操作,因为您将架构存储在 data中。

于 2013-11-14T17:01:53.893 回答


  1. 将每个单元格存储为一个向量。
  2. 将所有这些向量与起始单元格的向量进行比较
  3. 向量仅显示单个差异的所有单元格都是“内联”的
于 2013-11-14T16:50:58.650 回答

作为记录 - 我也在SQL Server Central 上发布了这个并得到了一些替代解决方案- 如果您有兴趣,值得查看。

于 2013-11-18T15:22:08.513 回答