I've got a project which is going to be a c++ library for use in other c++ code.
It's made of a single .cpp implementation file and a single .h file for the interface. Normally I'd just compile the .cpp implementation file and then link it with other files with g++ in something like Ubuntu, however in Xcode 5 there's the Option Product>Build, Product>Build for... Running,testing, profiling and then there are the Perform action options to compile analyse, pre-process and assemble individual files. So with Xcode 5 how exactly do I complete my c++ library project in that I can then include it in other programs? And what happens when I use the options mentioned above like build and compile, because I see no new output files even though the build is successful - I'm guessing they go somewhere else I don't know about. I've googled this but I mostly find Xcode 4 stuff.
Thanks, Ben.