考虑 branch1 中的文件 X 和 branch2 中的相同文件 X。

  1. 人员 A 在 branch1 中更改文件 X
  2. 人 B 更改了 branch1 中的文件 X。

我想将仅由人员 B 在 branch1 中的文件 X 中所做的更改应用到 branch2 中的文件 X。我怎样才能做到这一点?如果不可能,我如何区分这两个文件并查看仅由 B 人应用的更改?

我正在使用 TortoiseSVN。


1 回答 1


When you perform your diff, only include the revision(s) that Person B committed.

If A & B have made changes to the same lines and their commits are interleaved, this won't work. If their changes are mutually exclusive, when you apply a diff consisting only of revisions made by B, then A's changes won't be included.

If B makes a change after A, B's commit does not "contain changes introduced by A" unless B changes one or more of the lines lines A changed. If A changed lines 1-10 and B changed lines 40-50, the diff of B's revision contains only the changes to lines 40-50.

If this is a frequent occurrence, you need to make smaller commits, or have your users working in private branches.

于 2013-11-14T18:05:29.787 回答