

<script type="text/template" id="tmpl_web_results">
    <% _.each(data, function(result) { %>
    <% var answers = $.parseJSON(result.answer); %>
            <td><%= result.id %></td>
                    <% _.each(answers, function(answer, key) { %> 
                        <li><%= key %> - <%= answer%></li>
                    <% }) %>
                <div class="dialog" id="dialog_<%= result.id %>">
                    <table class="tbl_dialog">
                            <col width="30%"></col>
                            <col width="70%"></col>
                                <th>Details of ID <%= result.id %><th>
                            <% _.each(answers, function(answer, key) { %> 
                                    <th><%= key %></th>
                                        <% if(checkAnswerType(answer) == 'image') { %>
                                            <img src="<%= answer %>" style="width:300px;height:250px;"/>
                                        <% } else if(checkAnswerType(answer) == 'video') {%>
                                            <video width="300" height="250" controls>
                                                <source src="<%= answer %>" type="video/mp4">
                                                Your browser does not support the video tag.
                                        <% } else if(checkAnswerType(answer) == 'youtube') {%>
                                           <iframe width="300" height="250" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/<%= getYoutubeId(answer) %>?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
                                        <% } else {%>
                                            <%= answer %>
                                        <% } %>
                            <% }) %>
            <td class="result_status"><%= result.status %></td>
                    <% if(result.status == 'accepted') { %>
                        <button class="btn_result_unpublish" data-id="<%= result.id %>">Unpublish</button>
                    <% } else { %>
                        <button class="btn_result_publish" data-id="<%= result.id %>">Publish</button>
                    <% } %>
                <p><button class="btn_result_details" data-id="<%= result.id %>">Details</button></p>
    <% }) %>


var item = _.template($('#tmpl_web_results').html(), result);


主模板 - tmpl_web_results

<script type="text/template" id="tmpl_web_results">
    <% _.each(data, function(result) { %>
    <% var answers = $.parseJSON(result.answer); %>
            <td><%= result.id %></td>
                    <% _.each(answers, function(answer, key) { %> 
                        <li><%= key %> - <%= answer%></li>
                    <% }) %>
                // Call tmpl_web_results_sub_1
                // Render Here
            <td class="result_status"><%= result.status %></td>
                // Call tmpl_web_results_sub_2
                // Render Here
    <% }) %>

子 1 模板 - tmpl_web_results_sub_1

<script type="text/template" id="tmpl_web_results_sub_1">
    <div class="dialog" id="dialog_<%= result.id %>">
        <table class="tbl_dialog">
               <col width="30%"></col>
                <col width="70%"></col>
                    <th>Details of ID <%= result.id %><th>
                <% _.each(answers, function(answer, key) { %> 
                       <th><%= key %></th>
                           <% if(checkAnswerType(answer) == 'image') { %>
                                <img src="<%= answer %>" style="width:300px;height:250px;"/>
                           <% } else if(checkAnswerType(answer) == 'video') {%>
                                <video width="300" height="250" controls>
                                    <source src="<%= answer %>" type="video/mp4">
                                    Your browser does not support the video tag.
                           <% } else if(checkAnswerType(answer) == 'youtube') {%>
                                <iframe width="300" height="250" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/<%= getYoutubeId(answer) %>?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
                           <% } else {%>
                                <%= answer %>
                           <% } %>
                 <% }) %>

子 2 模板 - tmpl_web_results_sub_2

<script type="text/template" id="tmpl_web_results_sub_2">
        <% if(result.status == 'accepted') { %>
            <button class="btn_result_unpublish" data-id="<%= result.id %>">Unpublish</button>
        <% } else { %>
            <button class="btn_result_publish" data-id="<%= result.id %>">Publish</button>
        <% } %>
    <p><button class="btn_result_details" data-id="<%= result.id %>">Details</button></p>



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