I want to create a subtitle option for menu items in Joomla (an alternate layout), so a menu item displays with its title and subtitle. I imagine this can be done in many ways, including:

1) Altering menu item layout in Joomla and adding a subtitle input field, telling Joomla to display this subtitle field in the menus that I wish to display it in.

2) Entering the subtitle directly in the current menu item title field and getting Joomla to render this as a separate title (subtitle).

I am sure there are more ways and pros or cons for all. I reckon going for option 2 would be the easiest. In option 2 the input in the menu item manager can be:

Menu Item title: blablabla || yadayadayada

Joomla needs to reckognize the pipes as seperator between menu item title and menu item subtitle and render them seperately so I can style them.

I am really noob in php. Could anyone point me in the right direction on how to construct this override?

Any help is highly appreciated.



1 回答 1


如果您是 php 中的“真正菜鸟”,我建议您使用Joomla 扩展目录中已经执行此操作的众多菜单扩展之一。

想到的最流行的之一是来自RocketTheme 的RokNavMenu——它既免费又开源,并被他们广泛用于所有模板中。

如果它们都不是你想要的,那么你可以选择最接近你需要的一个并修改它,这肯定会比重新发明轮子和学习 Joomla CMS 和框架的所有细节更快。

如果您确实想开发自己的,我建议您保持Joomla Doc 的站点对开发人员门户页面开放。即使您必须进行一些搜索,它也可能非常方便。

于 2013-11-14T10:36:24.757 回答