你会碰巧知道钥匙是什么吗?临时密钥是 Diffie-Hellman 密钥,静态密钥是 ElGamal 签名密钥吗?
如果我的理解是正确的,这就是我执行加密所需的全部内容,但我正在努力弄清楚如何使用 Crypto++。
对于加密示例,我将作弊并使用RSA 加密示例并将其移植到 ElGamal。这与复制和粘贴一样困难,因为 RSA 加密和ElGamal 加密都遵循PK_Encryptor
类。(请记住,您可能需要 ElGamal 或 Nyberg-Rueppel (NR) 签名示例)。
Crypto++ 有一个基于 ElGamal 的密码系统。密码系统将在对称密钥下加密一大块纯文本,然后在 ElGamal 密钥下加密对称密钥。不过,我不确定它遵循什么标准(可能是 IEEE 的 P1363)。参见elgamal.h中的SymmetricEncrypt
密钥大小人为地变小,因此程序运行得很快。ElGamal 是一个离散对数问题,因此它的密钥大小在实践中应该是 2048 位或更高。2048 位得到 ECRYPT(亚洲)、ISO/IEC(全球)、NESSIE(欧洲)和 NIST(美国)的祝福。
如果您需要保存/保留/加载您生成的密钥,请参阅Crypto++ wiki 上的密钥和格式。简短的回答是调用decryptor.Save()
and decryptor.Load()
; 并远离{BER|DER}
. 如果您有兴趣通过和朋友将内容打印到终端,这string
最后,Crypto++ Wiki 上现在有一个页面,涵盖了该主题以及下面程序的源代码。请参阅 Crypto++ 的ElGamal 加密。
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
#include <cryptopp/osrng.h>
using CryptoPP::AutoSeededRandomPool;
#include <cryptopp/secblock.h>
using CryptoPP::SecByteBlock;
#include <cryptopp/elgamal.h>
using CryptoPP::ElGamal;
using CryptoPP::ElGamalKeys;
#include <cryptopp/cryptlib.h>
using CryptoPP::DecodingResult;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Generate keys
AutoSeededRandomPool rng;
cout << "Generating private key. This may take some time..." << endl;
ElGamal::Decryptor decryptor;
decryptor.AccessKey().GenerateRandomWithKeySize(rng, 512);
const ElGamalKeys::PrivateKey& privateKey = decryptor.AccessKey();
ElGamal::Encryptor encryptor(decryptor);
const PublicKey& publicKey = encryptor.AccessKey();
// Secret to protect
static const int SECRET_SIZE = 16;
SecByteBlock plaintext( SECRET_SIZE );
memset( plaintext, 'A', SECRET_SIZE );
// Encrypt
// Now that there is a concrete object, we can validate
assert( 0 != encryptor.FixedMaxPlaintextLength() );
assert( plaintext.size() <= encryptor.FixedMaxPlaintextLength() );
// Create cipher text space
size_t ecl = encryptor.CiphertextLength( plaintext.size() );
assert( 0 != ecl );
SecByteBlock ciphertext( ecl );
encryptor.Encrypt( rng, plaintext, plaintext.size(), ciphertext );
// Decrypt
// Now that there is a concrete object, we can check sizes
assert( 0 != decryptor.FixedCiphertextLength() );
assert( ciphertext.size() <= decryptor.FixedCiphertextLength() );
// Create recovered text space
size_t dpl = decryptor.MaxPlaintextLength( ciphertext.size() );
assert( 0 != dpl );
SecByteBlock recovered( dpl );
DecodingResult result = decryptor.Decrypt( rng, ciphertext, ciphertext.size(), recovered );
// More sanity checks
assert( result.isValidCoding );
assert( result.messageLength <= decryptor.MaxPlaintextLength( ciphertext.size() ) );
// At this point, we can set the size of the recovered
// data. Until decryption occurs (successfully), we
// only know its maximum size
recovered.resize( result.messageLength );
// SecByteBlock is overloaded for proper results below
assert( plaintext == recovered );
// If the assert fires, we won't get this far.
if(plaintext == recovered)
cout << "Recovered plain text" << endl;
cout << "Failed to recover plain text" << endl;
return !(plaintext == recovered);
ElGamalKeys::PrivateKey k;
k.GenerateRandomWithKeySize(rng, 512);
ElGamal::Decryptor d(k);
ElGamalKeys::PublicKey pk;
ElGamal::Encryptor e(pk);
ElGamalKeys::PrivateKey privateKey1;
privateKey1.GenerateRandomWithKeySize(prng, 2048);
privateKey1.Save(FileSink("elgamal.der", true /*binary*/).Ref());
ElGamalKeys::PrivateKey privateKey2;
privateKey2.Load(FileSource("elgamal.der", true /*pump*/).Ref());
privateKey2.Validate(prng, 3);
ElGamal::Decryptor decryptor(privateKey2);
// ...
密钥是 ASN.1 编码的,因此您可以使用 Peter Gutmann 之类的方式转储它们dumpasn1
$ ./cryptopp-elgamal-keys.exe
Generating private key. This may take some time...
$ dumpasn1 elgamal.der
0 556: SEQUENCE {
4 257: INTEGER
: 00 C0 8F 5A 29 88 82 8C 88 7D 00 AE 08 F0 37 AC
: FA F3 6B FC 4D B2 EF 5D 65 92 FD 39 98 04 C7 6D
: 6D 74 F5 FA 84 8F 56 0C DD B4 96 B2 51 81 E3 A1
: 75 F6 BE 82 46 67 92 F2 B3 EC 41 00 70 5C 45 BF
: 40 A0 2C EC 15 49 AD 92 F1 3E 4D 06 E2 89 C6 5F
: 0A 5A 88 32 3D BD 66 59 12 A1 CB 15 B1 72 FE F3
: 2D 19 DD 07 DF A8 D6 4C B8 D0 AB 22 7C F2 79 4B
: 6D 23 CE 40 EC FB DF B8 68 A4 8E 52 A9 9B 22 F1
: [ Another 129 bytes skipped ]
265 1: INTEGER 3
268 257: INTEGER
: 00 BA 4D ED 20 E8 36 AC 01 F6 5C 9C DA 62 11 BB
: E9 71 D0 AB B7 E2 D3 61 37 E2 7B 5C B3 77 2C C9
: FC DE 43 70 AE AA 5A 3C 80 0A 2E B0 FA C9 18 E5
: 1C 72 86 46 96 E9 9A 44 08 FF 43 62 95 BE D7 37
: F8 99 16 59 7D FA 3A 73 DD 0D C8 CA 19 B8 6D CA
: 8D 8E 89 52 50 4E 3A 84 B3 17 BD 71 1A 1D 38 9E
: 4A C4 04 F3 A2 1A F7 1F 34 F0 5A B9 CD B4 E2 7F
: 8C 40 18 22 58 85 14 40 E0 BF 01 2D 52 B7 69 7B
: [ Another 129 bytes skipped ]
529 29: INTEGER
: 01 61 40 24 1F 48 00 4C 35 86 0B 9D 02 8C B8 90
: B1 56 CF BD A4 75 FE E2 8E 0B B3 66 08
: }
0 warnings, 0 errors.