使用for ... in
是 Chrome 调试器检测到的类型错误。
这是我的代码:(我没有太多 JavaScript / jQuery 知识,所以请耐心等待我的编码)
function AKaizerDropdown(HiddenFeild) { //#id of hidden field passed as parameter
var select = $('select'); // select object assigned to variable
var selectcount = 0;
var Selecthold=new Array();
for (select in this) {
select.on('change', function() {
var SelectedIndex = this.attr('selectedIndex');
selecthold[selectcount] = [select.attr('id'), selectedindex];
//Select ID and Selected index assigned as an array into Selecthold Array element
selectcount +=1;
var item= new array();
//Elements in selecthold array printed onto hidden field
for (item in selecthold) {
$(HiddenFeild).val += item[0] + item[1]; //Assigns values to element Hiddenfield in DOM
$.fn.AKaizerDropdown = function (HiddenFeild) {
var select_ = $(this).find('select');
var selectcount = 0;
var Selecthold=new Array();
select_.each(function () {
$(this).on('change', function () { //everything runs fine except dropdownlist doesn't enter into this event when an item is chosen
var SelectedIndex = this.selectedIndex;
Selecthold[selectcount] = [this.id, Selectedindex];
var button_ = $(this).find('input')
button_.on('click', function () {
for (item in Selecthold) {
$(HiddenFeild).val += item[0] + item[1]+','; //Assigns values to element Hiddenfeild in DOM seperated by ","
这是我将它附加到 popover Bootstrap(twitter 2.3.2) 的部分。
//think the problem lies here where the pop up seems to re-render the same same html found in ($#KaizerDragon") where all JavaScript is probably discarded?
html: true, container: 'body',
trigger: 'click',
content: function () {
$(function () {
return $("#KaizerDragon").html();