- 编写一个函数 randR 生成给定范围内的随机数
- 编写一个函数 rollTwoDice 模拟掷两个骰子
- 编写一个函数 removeCard 从 PlayingCards 列表中随机删除一张牌
- 编写一个 shuffleDeck 函数,它将取出的卡片放在牌堆前面,然后重复自身直到牌堆完全洗牌。
我已经完成了 1、2 和 3,但我遇到了 4 的问题。
module RandState where
import UCState
import System.Random
-- In order to generate pseudo-random numbers, need to pass around generator
-- state in State monad
type RandState a = State StdGen a
-- runRandom runs a RandState monad, given an initial random number generator
runRandom :: RandState a -> StdGen -> a
runRandom (State f) s = res
where (res, state) = f s
-- rand is a helper function that generates a random instance of any
-- type in the Random class, using the RandState monad.
rand :: Random a => RandState a
rand = do
gen <- get
let (x, gen') = random gen
put gen'
return x
- Simplified implementation of the State monad. The real implementation
- is in the Control.Monad.State module: using that is recommended for real
- programs.
module UCState where
data State s a = State { runState :: s -> (a, s) }
instance Monad (State s)
- return lifts a function x up into the state monad, turning it into
- a state function that just passes through the state it receives
return x = State ( \s -> (x, s) )
- The >>= combinator combines two functions p and f, and
- gives back a new function (Note: p is originally wrapped in the
- State monad)
- p: a function that takes the initial state (from right at the start
- of the monad chain), and gives back a new state and value,
- corresponding to the result of the chain up until this >>=
- f: a function representing the rest of the chain of >>='s
(State p) >>= f = State ( \initState ->
let (res, newState) = p initState
(State g) = f res
in g newState )
-- Get the state
get :: State s s
get = State ( \s -> (s, s) )
-- Update the state
put :: s -> State s ()
put s = State ( \_ -> ((), s))
这是我的代码,我只是在 RandState.hs 中编写的,因为我不知道如何导入它(导入的帮助也会很好,尽管这不是我目前最关心的):
randR :: Random a => (a, a) -> RandState a
randR (lo, hi) = do
gen <- get
let (x, gen') = randomR (lo, hi) gen
put gen'
return x
testRandR1 :: IO Bool
testRandR1 = do
gen <- newStdGen
let genR = runRandom (randR (1,5)) gen :: Int
return (genR <=5 && genR >=1)
testRandR2 :: IO Bool
testRandR2 = do
gen <- newStdGen
let genR = runRandom (randR (10.0, 11.5)) gen :: Double
return (genR <= 11.5 && genR >= 10.0)
rollTwoDice :: RandState Int
rollTwoDice = do
gen <- get
let (a, gen') = randomR (1, 6) gen :: (Int, StdGen)
put gen'
let (b, gen'') = randomR (1, 6) gen' :: (Int, StdGen)
put gen''
return $ a + b
testRollTwoDice :: IO Bool
testRollTwoDice = do
gen <- newStdGen
let genR = runRandom (rollTwoDice) gen
return (genR <= 12 && genR >= 2)
-- Data types to represent playing cards
data CardValue = King | Queen | Jack | NumberCard Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
data CardSuit = Hearts | Diamonds | Spades | Clubs
deriving (Show, Eq)
data PlayingCard = PlayingCard CardSuit CardValue
deriving (Show, Eq)
- fullCardDeck will be a deck of cards, 52 in total, with a King, a Queen,
- a Jack and NumberCards from 1 to 10 for each suit.
-- fullCardDeck and its definition were given in the lab
fullCardDeck :: [PlayingCard]
fullCardDeck = [ PlayingCard s v | s <- allsuits, v <- allvals ] where
allvals = King : Queen : Jack : [ NumberCard i | i <- [1..10] ]
allsuits = [Hearts, Diamonds, Spades, Clubs]
removeCard :: [a] -> RandState [a]
removeCard deck = do
gen <- get
let n = runRandom (randR(1, length (deck))) gen :: Int
let (xs, ys) = splitAt (n-1) deck
return $ head ys : xs ++ tail ys
shuffleDeck deck = do
gen <- get
let f deck = head $ runRandom (removeCard deck) gen
return $ take (length(deck)) (iterate f deck)
shuffleDeck 不起作用。错误:
Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: a0 = [a0]
Expected type: [a0] -> [a0]
Actual type: [a0] -> a0
In the first argument of `iterate', namely `f'
In the second argument of `take', namely `(iterate f deck)'
In the second argument of `($)', namely `take 52 (iterate f deck)'
我想问题是 iterate 接受一个值,将一个函数应用于这个值,将函数应用于结果,等等,返回一个无限的结果列表。我正在处理一个迭代函数,它接受一个列表并返回一张卡片,因此结果不能传递给下一次迭代。解决这个问题(4)的更好方法是什么?我还担心我的 removeCard 函数有点笨拙,因为它只是将“已移除”的卡片放在前面,我这样做是为了让 shuffleDeck 更容易编写。如有必要,解决这个问题(3)的更好方法是什么?