

  1. 编写一个函数 randR 生成给定范围内的随机数
  2. 编写一个函数 rollTwoDice 模拟掷两个骰子
  3. 编写一个函数 removeCard 从 PlayingCards 列表中随机删除一张牌
  4. 编写一个 shuffleDeck 函数,它将取出的卡片放在牌堆前面,然后重复自身直到牌堆完全洗牌。

我已经完成了 1、2 和 3,但我遇到了 4 的问题。



module RandState where
import UCState
import System.Random

-- In order to generate pseudo-random numbers, need to pass around generator
--  state in State monad
type RandState a = State StdGen a

-- runRandom runs a RandState monad, given an initial random number generator
runRandom :: RandState a -> StdGen -> a
runRandom (State f) s = res
    where (res, state) = f s

-- rand is a helper function that generates a random instance of any
--  type in the Random class, using the RandState monad.
rand :: Random a => RandState a
rand = do
    gen <- get
    let (x, gen') = random gen
    put gen'
    return x


 - Simplified implementation of the State monad.  The real implementation
 - is in the Control.Monad.State module: using that is recommended for real 
 - programs.
module UCState where

data State s a = State { runState :: s -> (a, s) }

instance Monad (State s)
         - return lifts a function x up into the state monad, turning it into
         -  a state function that just passes through the state it receives
        return x = State ( \s -> (x, s) )

         - The >>= combinator combines two functions p and f, and 
         -  gives back a new function (Note: p is originally wrapped in the 
         -  State monad)
         - p: a function that takes the initial state (from right at the start
         - of the monad chain), and gives back a new state and value, 
         - corresponding to the result of the chain up until this >>=
         - f: a function representing the rest of the chain of >>='s
        (State p) >>= f = State ( \initState -> 
                                  let (res, newState) = p initState
                                      (State g) = f res
                                  in g newState )

-- Get the state
get :: State s s  
get = State ( \s -> (s, s) )

-- Update the state
put :: s -> State s ()
put s = State ( \_ -> ((), s))

这是我的代码,我只是在 RandState.hs 中编写的,因为我不知道如何导入它(导入的帮助也会很好,尽管这不是我目前最关心的):

randR :: Random a => (a, a) -> RandState a
randR (lo, hi) = do
    gen <- get
    let (x, gen') = randomR (lo, hi) gen
    put gen'
    return x

testRandR1 :: IO Bool
testRandR1 = do
    gen <- newStdGen
    let genR = runRandom (randR (1,5)) gen :: Int
    return (genR <=5 && genR >=1)

testRandR2 :: IO Bool
testRandR2 = do
    gen <- newStdGen
    let genR = runRandom (randR (10.0, 11.5)) gen :: Double
    return (genR <= 11.5 && genR >= 10.0)

rollTwoDice :: RandState Int
rollTwoDice = do
    gen <- get
    let (a, gen') = randomR (1, 6) gen :: (Int, StdGen)
    put gen'
    let (b, gen'') = randomR (1, 6) gen' :: (Int, StdGen)
    put gen''
    return $ a + b

testRollTwoDice :: IO Bool
testRollTwoDice = do
    gen <- newStdGen
    let genR = runRandom (rollTwoDice) gen
    return (genR <= 12 && genR >= 2)

-- Data types to represent playing cards
data CardValue = King | Queen | Jack | NumberCard Int
    deriving (Show, Eq)
data CardSuit = Hearts | Diamonds | Spades | Clubs
    deriving (Show, Eq)
data PlayingCard = PlayingCard CardSuit CardValue
    deriving (Show, Eq)

 - fullCardDeck will be a deck of cards, 52 in total, with a King, a Queen, 
 - a Jack and NumberCards from 1 to 10 for each suit.
-- fullCardDeck and its definition were given in the lab
fullCardDeck :: [PlayingCard]
fullCardDeck = [ PlayingCard s v | s <- allsuits, v <- allvals ] where
        allvals = King : Queen : Jack : [ NumberCard i | i <- [1..10] ]
        allsuits = [Hearts, Diamonds, Spades, Clubs]

removeCard :: [a] -> RandState [a]
removeCard deck = do
    gen <- get
    let n = runRandom (randR(1, length (deck))) gen :: Int
    let (xs, ys) = splitAt (n-1) deck
    return $ head ys : xs ++ tail ys

shuffleDeck deck = do
    gen <- get
    let f deck = head $ runRandom (removeCard deck) gen
    return $ take (length(deck)) (iterate f deck)

shuffleDeck 不起作用。错误:

    Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: a0 = [a0]
    Expected type: [a0] -> [a0]
      Actual type: [a0] -> a0
    In the first argument of `iterate', namely `f'
    In the second argument of `take', namely `(iterate f deck)'
    In the second argument of `($)', namely `take 52 (iterate f deck)'

我想问题是 iterate 接受一个值,将一个函数应用于这个值,将函数应用于结果,等等,返回一个无限的结果列表。我正在处理一个迭代函数,它接受一个列表并返回一张卡片,因此结果不能传递给下一次迭代。解决这个问题(4)的更好方法是什么?我还担心我的 removeCard 函数有点笨拙,因为它只是将“已移除”的卡片放在前面,我这样做是为了让 shuffleDeck 更容易编写。如有必要,解决这个问题(3)的更好方法是什么?



1 回答 1


You should stop trying to runRandom inside your functions. You should only use runRandom once you actually want a result (for example - to print the result, since you can't do this inside the monad). Trying to 'escape' from the monad is a futile task and you will only produce confusing and often non-functioning code. The final output of all of your functions will be inside the monad, so you don't need to escape anyways.

Note that

gen <- get
let n = runRandom (randR(1, length (deck))) gen :: Int

is exactly equivalent to

n <- randR (1, length deck)

The <- syntax executes a computation in monad on the right and 'puts' it into the variable name on the left.


shuffleR [] = return []   
shuffleR xs = do      
  (y:ys) <- removeR xs  -- 1
  zs <- shuffleR ys     -- 2
  return (y:zs)         -- 3

The function is straightforward recursion: 1) extract a random element, 2) shuffle what is left, 3) combine the results.

edit: extra info requested:

randSum :: (Num b, Random b) => State StdGen b
randSum = do
  a <- randR (1,6) 
  b <- randR (1,6) 
  return $ a + b

compiles just fine. Judging from your description of the error, you are trying to call this function inside the IO monad. You cannot mix monads (or at least not so simply). If you want to 'execute' something of type RandState inside of IO you will indeed have to use runRandom here.

n <- randR (1, length deck) makes n an Int because length deck has type Int and randR :: Random a => (a, a) -> RandState a, so from the context we can infer a ~ Int and the type unifies to (Int, Int) -> RandState Int.

Just to recap


try = do
  a <- randomIO      :: IO Int
  b <- randR (0,10)  :: RandState Int
  return $ a + b     -- monads don't match!


try = do
  a <- randomIO                                 :: IO Int
  let b = runRandom (randR (0,10)) (mkStdGen a) :: Int    -- 'execute' the randstate monad
  return $ a + b          
于 2013-11-14T03:17:11.173 回答