I am looking back at Oracle (11g) development after few years for my team project and need help. We are trying to implement a POC where any add/drop column will drop and recreate a corrosponding view. View refers to a Mapping table for producing its alias names and selection of columns.

My solutions:

--1. DDL Trigger that scans for Add Column, Drop Column -> Identifies Column Names -> Updates Field_Map table -> Drops View -> Creates View with Field_Map table alias names

Challenge: Received recursive trigger error because of View creation inside DDL

--2. DDL Trigger scans for Add Column, Drop Column -> -> Updates Field Map table -> Writes identified column names, tables to Audit_DDL table -> DML trigger on Audit_DDL table fires -> Disables DDL trigger (to avoid recursion) -> Drops view -> Creates view with Field_Map table alias names

Challenge: Received recursive trigger error. I think, it is still considering whole flow as one transaction. Separating create view under DML trigger didn't help.

so, I am thinking of alternatives:

--3. Store Trigger, Tables in Schema1 and View Schema2. I am expecting, this may avoid recursion since create view will now happen on schema2 and trigger is built on schema1.

--4. Create a Stored Procedure which scans for Audit_DDL entries (from #2) for tables, columns updated. Creates views and marks checked for processed Audit_DDL entries. Hourly job now runs this procedure.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance for helping me out!


1 回答 1


如果您想从触发器执行 DDL,则它需要是异步的。DBMS_JOB最简单的解决方案是让 DDL 触发器使用将执行您想要执行的任何 DDL的包提交作业。ALTER在提交触发事务(语句)之前,该作业不会运行。但它可能会在几秒钟后运行(取决于正在运行的其他作业数量、允许的作业数量等)。无论您是构建要在触发器中执行的 DDL 语句并将其传递给作业,还是将作业所需的信息存储在表中并传递某种键(即对象名称)并让作业组装DDL 语句是一个实现细节。


于 2013-11-14T00:36:07.453 回答