我正在尝试使用 Groovy HTTPBuilder 编写一个集成测试,该测试将验证正文中返回的正确错误消息以及 HTTP 409 状态消息。但是,我无法弄清楚在失败情况下如何实际访问 HTTP 响应的正文。

http.request(ENV_URL, Method.POST, ContentType.TEXT) {
    uri.path = "/curate/${id}/submit"
    contentType = ContentType.JSON
    response.failure = { failresp_inner ->
        failresp = failresp_inner

assert failresp.status == 409
// I would like something like 
//assert failresp.data == "expected error message"

这是来自服务器的 HTTP 响应的样子:

2013-11-13 18:17:58,726 DEBUG  wire - << "HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict[\r][\n]"
2013-11-13 18:17:58,726 DEBUG  wire - << "Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 23:17:58 GMT[\r][\n]"
2013-11-13 18:17:58,726 DEBUG  wire - << "Content-Type: text/plain[\r][\n]"
2013-11-13 18:17:58,726 DEBUG  wire - << "Transfer-Encoding: chunked[\r][\n]"
2013-11-13 18:17:58,727 DEBUG  wire - << "[\r][\n]"
2013-11-13 18:17:58,728 DEBUG  wire - << "E[\r][\n]"
2013-11-13 18:17:58,728 DEBUG  wire - << "expected error message"
2013-11-13 18:17:58,728 DEBUG  wire - << "[\r][\n]"
2013-11-13 18:17:58,728 DEBUG  wire - << "0[\r][\n]"
2013-11-13 18:17:58,728 DEBUG  wire - << "[\r][\n]"

3 回答 3


我最近在尝试使用 Spock 集成测试我的 REST 端点时遇到了这个问题。我以 Sam 的回答为灵感并最终对其进行了改进,以便继续利用 HttpBuilder 提供的自动转换。搞砸了一段时间后,我有了一个好主意,就是将成功处理程序闭包分配给失败处理程序,以标准化行为,而不管返回什么状态码。

client.handler.failure = client.handler.success



import static org.apache.http.HttpStatus.*


private RESTClient createClient(String username = null, String password = null) {
    def client = new RESTClient(BASE_URL)
    client.handler.failure = client.handler.success

    if(username != null)
        client.auth.basic(username, password)

    return client


def unauthenticatedClient = createClient()
def userClient = createClient(USER_USERNAME, USER_PASSWORD)
def adminClient = createClient(ADMIN_USERNAME, ADMIN_PASSWORD)


def 'get account'() {
    // unauthenticated tries to get user's account
    unauthenticatedClient.get([path: "account/$USER_EMAIL"]).status == SC_UNAUTHENTICATED

    // user gets user's account
    with(userClient.get([path: "account/$USER_EMAIL"])) {
        status == SC_OK
        with(responseData) {
            email == USER_EMAIL

    // user tries to get user2's account
    with(userClient.get([path: "account/$USER2_EMAIL"])) {
        status == SC_FORBIDDEN
        with(responseData) {

    // admin to get user's account
    with(adminClient.get([path: "account/$USER_EMAIL"])) {
        status == SC_OK
        with(responseData) {
            email == USER_EMAIL
于 2015-04-26T21:25:14.763 回答

当我开始使用 HttpBuilder 时,我也遇到了这个问题。我想出的解决方案是定义 HTTPBuilder 成功和失败闭包以返回一致的值,如下所示:

HTTPBuilder http = new HTTPBuilder()
http.handler.failure = { resp, reader ->
    [response:resp, reader:reader]
http.handler.success = { resp, reader ->
    [response:resp, reader:reader]

这样定义后,您的 HTTPBuilder 实例将始终返回一个包含响应对象(HttpResponseDecorator 的实例)和读取器对象的映射。您的请求将如下所示:

def map = http.request(ENV_URL, Method.POST, ContentType.TEXT) {
    uri.path = "/curate/${id}/submit"
    contentType = ContentType.JSON

def response = map['response']
def reader = map['reader']

assert response.status == 409

读者将是某种对象,它可以让您访问响应主体,您可以通过调用 getClass() 方法来确定响应主体的类型:

println "reader type: ${reader.getClass()}"

阅读器对象的类型将由响应中的 Content-Type 标头确定。您可以通过在请求中添加“Accept”标头来具体告诉服务器您希望返回什么。

于 2014-03-02T23:09:45.520 回答


response.failure = { resp, reader ->
    failstatus = resp.statusLine
    failresp   = reader.text
于 2013-11-14T09:16:18.217 回答