在我的大学,我们被介绍到使用 AT&T 语法的 IA32/x86 汇编程序。但解释缺乏重要信息。
如何将 4 字节浮点数从堆栈移动到 FPU?我尝试使用 flds 但它没有按预期工作......
fl: .float 12.412
test: .string "Result: %f\n"
.global main
# Prepare the stack (8 byte so i can use it for printf later)
subl $8, %esp
# Load the variable fl which holds 12.412
fld fl
# Store the previously loaded value as single precision (4 byte) to the stack
fstps (%esp)
# Load the value from the stack again and expect it to be single precision (as flds ends with s)
flds (%esp)
# Push it to the stack again. But this time as double precision value als printf expects floats to be 8 bytes long
fstp (%esp)
pushl $test
call printf
movl $1, %eax
int $0x80
而不是预期的 12.412 ......
[编辑:] 有趣的事实。令人惊讶的是,每次执行程序的结果都会发生变化。