
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "custreviewscrap.py", line 73, in <module>
    strcomment = str(k.getText())
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xef' in position 293
7: ordinal not in range(128)


1)strcomment = `str(k.getText()).encode('utf8')`
2)strcomment = str(k.getText())
  strcomment = strcomment.encode('ascii', 'ignore')


for k in bsreview2.findAll('div',{"style":"margin-left:0.5em;"}):
    #next part is clean the comments. sorry, this part is really dirty, I should have written a function
    #the comment is surrounded by different stuff depends on what kind of review it is, video or pics or text
    strcomment = str(k.getText())
    patcomment = re.compile(r'(.*(\(Electronics\)|\(Health and Beauty\)))')
    patcomment2 = re.compile(r'Help other customers find.*')
    patcomment3 = re.compile(r'(Customer review from the Amazon Vine Program(.|\n)*Length::)|(\<\!(.|\n)*Length::)|(Customer review from the Amazon Vine Program\(What\'s this\?\)|(.*See all my reviews))')

    cleancomment = re.sub(patcomment, '', strcomment)
    cleancomment = re.sub('&nbsp;', '', cleancomment)
    cleancomment = re.sub(patcomment2, '', cleancomment)
    cleancomment = re.sub(',' ,'.', cleancomment)
    cleancomment = re.sub(patcomment3, '', cleancomment)
    strdate = str(k.nobr.getText())
    cleandate = re.sub(',','',strdate)

    print (k.span.getText())[0:1]+','+ cleandate +',' + cleancomment
    csvtext = csvtext + (k.span.getText())[0:1]+','+ cleandate +',' + a +','+ cleancomment + '\n'

1 回答 1


假设k.getText()返回 Unicode,以下将起作用(s的结果在哪里k.getText()):

>>> s = u'\xef'
>>> s.encode('utf-8')


于 2013-11-13T19:14:35.047 回答