将所有这些放在一起时要注意的最重要的事情是一小段文档(这在 xVal 的文档中并不明显,它抽象了对调用rules("add", options)
)rules("add", options)
添加指定规则并返回第一个匹配元素的所有规则。 要求验证父表单,即首先调用 $("form").validate()。
当 jQuery Form 插件开始发挥作用时,这一点尤其重要,并且您想通过 AJAX 提交表单,因为您必须在对 的调用中设置一个选项validate(options)
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
// Initialize the form. Store the validator.
var validator = $("form").validate({
// Called when the form is valid.
submitHandler: function(form) {
// Submit the form via ajax.
// The return data type is json.
dataType: "json",
// The callback on a successful form
// submission.
success: function(data, statusText) {
// If the new location is not null, then
// redirect to that location.
if (data.data.newLocation) {
// Go to the new location.
document.location.href = data.data.newLocation;
// Get out.
// There are errors, pass them to the validator
// for display.
由于上面引用的有关调用的文档rules("add", options)
必须先于调用rules("add", options)
如果他们不这样做,那么 submitHandler 将被忽略,永远不会被调用。
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.validate.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.form.js"></script>
<!-- Note this is only needed if using xVal. -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="xVal.jquery.validate.js"></script>
<!-- The call to validate the form must come first. -->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
// Initialize the form.
// Called when the form is valid.
submitHandler: function(form) {
// Submit the form via ajax.
// The return data type is json.
dataType: "json",
// The callback.
success: function(data, statusText) {
// Alert the users to the message.
<!-- Now make the calls to rules("add", options), AFTER the call to -->
<!-- validate (options). It's separated into another block for -->
<!-- emphasis, but could be done in the block above. -->
<script type="text/javascript">
// Make calls to rules("add", options).
<!-- Or, if you are using xVal, make the following call in the ASP.NET -->
<!-- page but again, note it must come AFTER the call to -->
<!-- validate(options). -->
<%= Html.ClientSideValidation<Model>("model") %>
您会希望从这些调用返回的 JSON 类似于标准化的视图模型外壳,其中您将特定于响应的内容包装在一个更标准化的部分中,该部分公开您在同类调用中所需的信息,如下所示:
// An integer, non-zero indicates faulure, with predefined ranges
// for standard errors across all operations, with other ranges for custom
// errors which are operation-specific. Examples of shared errors
// are not authenticated, not authorized, etc, etc.
resultCode: 0,
// A string, which is to be displayed to the user (usually in the
// form of a jQuery dialog, usually used for the common ranges of
// errors defined above.
message: null,
// An object with operation-specific results.
data: null
对于服务器上的错误,返回与上面相同的内容,但返回的位置包含用户在成功时应重定向到的 URL(如果不成功,则返回 null)和可以直接传递给showErrors(errors)
resultCode: 0,
message: null,
// Returned as a string. If not null, then this is the url
// that the client should be redirected to, as the server-side
// operation was successful.
newLocation: null,
// If not-null, then this is a map which has the names of the
// fields with the errors, along with the errors for the fields.
"model.title": "The title already exists in the system.",
"model.body": "The body cannot have malicious HTML code in it."
// The callback on a successful form
// submission.
success: function(data, statusText) {
// If the new location is not null, then
// redirect to that location.
if (data.data.newLocation) {
// Go to the new location.
document.location.href = data.data.newLocation;
// Get out.
// There are errors, pass them to the validator
// for display.
属性是否已定义。如果已定义,则它将当前文档重定向到该位置(通常是新保存资源的 url)。