I have 2 numbers let's say number1=5 and number2=3 and I want to create a list in this form
((1(1 2 3)) (2(1 2 3)) (3(1 2 3)) (4(1 2 3)) (5(1 2 3)))
So the number1 indicates the number of the elements in the list and number2 indicates the total elements that will be as the second part of every element..
I have smth like this untill now
(define mylist '())
(define (pushlist item item2)
(do ((j 1 (+ j 1))) ((> j item2))
(set! mylist(list mylist (list item j)))))
(define (createlist number number2)
(do ((j 1 (+ j 1))) ((> j number))
(pushlist j number2)
(createlist 5 3)
Unfortunately it doesn't work.. It doesn't give the result I want.. It gives me this (((((((((((((((() (1 1)) (1 2)) (1 3)) (2 1)) (2 2)) (2 3)) (3 1)) (3 2)) (3 3)) (4 1)) (4 2)) (4 3)) (5 1)) (5 2)) (5 3))