
I've been playing with AJAX a fair bit of late & love the way it enhances the user experience.

One area the (Wordpress) site that could still be improved is by using animated transition between pages. However there are a few things that worry me when considering AJAX.

This is what I am looking to achieve:

  1. Deep linking - I want to maintain Wordpress' great permalink structure so that pages are accessible to both search bots & users
  2. A cool effect such as these done by Codrops using CSS3

I've seen some people go for the approach of simply applying display: none on the body tag & then use jQuery to bring it to life. But this very much limits what can be achieved in terms of the visual appearance.

Is AJAX the solution here? If so how can it be used without being a detriment to a site's SEO? Or are is there an alternative that I am not considering.


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AJAX 和 SEO(搜索爬虫)的问题在于他们查看页面时看到的是没有加载 AJAX 内容的页面。如果您将所有内容都放在一个页面中,并且将页面的各个“部分”设置为动画到前面,例如一些允许滚动内容的移动网站,或者使用同位素效果的网站,爬虫可以点击内容并看到它. 但是,如果它是完全动态的,并且您的内容在 AJAX 加载之前不存在,那么您必须小心您的 SEO 方法。

也就是说,对于希望通过 AJAX 创建动态站点并希望保持其内容可抓取和可搜索的人们来说,这并不是一个不常见的问题。然而,解决方案并不是将简单的插入代码作为灵丹妙药。它比这复杂一点。

大约一年前,Google Dev 网站通过一篇解释了部分问题及其处理方法的帖子探讨了这个问题,并提出了一个可能的解决方案。我相信这是现在被接受的方法,Bing 甚至可能会效仿使用它。

阅读有关“使 AJAX 应用程序可抓取”的更多信息 - https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/

编辑包含相同链接和一些其他链接/想法的类似问题在这里:https ://stackoverflow.com/a/7098472/2754848

于 2013-11-13T16:46:16.617 回答