
我正在尝试创建一个 SQL 语句,以将可变数量的行(最多 5 行)转换为单行。一小部分数据如下所示:

|      ID      | ItemID | Style |  Qty  |
| 00001-5A-2XL | F911-5 | F911  | 1.566 |
| 00001-5A-2XL | 233-5  | 233   | 0.236 |
| 00001-5A-3XL | F911-5 | F911  | 1.697 |
| 00001-5A-3XL | 233-5  | 233   | 0.237 |
| 00001-5A-4XL | F911-5 | F911  | 1.833 |
| 00001-5A-4XL | 233-5  | 233   | 0.239 |
| 00001-5A-L   | F911-5 | F911  | 1.307 |
| 00001-5A-L   | 233-5  | 233   | 0.234 |


|      ID      |  S1  | S1_Qty | S2  | S2_Qty | S3 | S3_Qty | S4 | S4_Qty | S5 | S5_Qty |
| 00001-5A-2XL | F911 | 1.566  | 233 | 0.236  |    |        |    |        |    |        |
| 00001-5A-3XL | F911 | 1.566  | 233 | 0.237  |    |        |    |        |    |        |
| 00001-5A-4XL | F911 | 1.566  | 233 | 0.239  |    |        |    |        |    |        |
| 00001-5A-L   | F911 | 1.566  | 233 | 0.234  |    |        |    |        |    |        |

在进行旋转时,我有点迷茫,尤其是当我想将 theStyle和 the都旋转Quantity到我的列中时。最多有 5 种样式(行)需要翻译成最多 5 列。



1 回答 1



是否需要使用两个不同的聚合来获得结果还不是很清楚。如果您可能需要sum(qty)然后max()在 上使用style,我建议使用带有 CASE 表达式的聚合函数来获得结果:

select id,
  max(case when ItemID = 'F911-5' then Style end) Style1,
  sum(case when ItemID = 'F911-5' then Qty else 0 end) Qty1,
  max(case when ItemID = '233-5' then Style end) Style2,
  sum(case when ItemID = '233-5' then Qty else 0 end) Qty2
from yourtable
group by id;

请参阅SQL Fiddle with Demo。然后,当您有新ItemId值时,您只需添加新列。

您也可以使用 PIVOT 函数,但由于您需要在两列上进行 PIVOT,因此我将首先取消旋转styleQty列。这会将您的多列数据转换为多行,您可以使用 UNPIVOT 函数或 CROSS APPLY 获得结果 - 基本语法为:

select id, 
  col = col+cast(seq as varchar(10)), value
  select id, itemid, style, qty,
    row_number() over(partition by id
                      order by qty desc) seq
  from yourtable
) src
cross apply
  select 'style', style union all
  select 'qty', cast(qty as varchar(10))
) c(col, value)

请参阅SQL Fiddle with Demo。这会将您的数据转换为多行,然后可以对其进行透视:

|           ID |    COL |   VALUE |
| 00001-5A-2XL | style1 |    F911 |
| 00001-5A-2XL |   qty1 | 1.56600 |
| 00001-5A-2XL | style2 |     233 |
| 00001-5A-2XL |   qty2 | 0.23600 |
| 00001-5A-3XL | style1 |    F911 |

然后您可以应用 PIVOT 函数来获得最终结果:

select id, style1, qty1, style2, qty2
  select id, 
    col = col+cast(seq as varchar(10)), value
    select id, itemid, style, qty,
      row_number() over(partition by id
                        order by qty desc) seq
    from yourtable
  ) src
  cross apply
    select 'style', style union all
    select 'qty', cast(qty as varchar(10))
  ) c(col, value)
) d
  for col in (style1, qty1, style2, qty2)
) piv;

请参阅SQL Fiddle with Demo。最后,如果您有未知数量的值,那么您可以使用动态 SQL 来获取结果:

    @query  AS NVARCHAR(MAX)

select @cols = STUFF((SELECT ',' + QUOTENAME(col+cast(seq as varchar(10)))
                      select row_number() over(partition by id
                                                order by qty desc) seq
                      from yourtable
                    ) t
                    cross apply
                      select 'style', 1 union all
                      select 'qty', 2
                    ) c (col, so)
                    group by col, so, seq
                    order by seq, so
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
            ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 

set @query = 'SELECT id, ' + @cols + ' 
                select id, 
                  col = col+cast(seq as varchar(10)), value
                  select id, itemid, style, qty,
                    row_number() over(partition by id
                                      order by qty desc) seq
                  from yourtable
                ) src
                cross apply
                  select ''style'', style union all
                  select ''qty'', cast(qty as varchar(10))
                ) c(col, value)
            ) x
                for col in (' + @cols + ')
            ) p '

execute sp_executesql @query;

请参阅SQL Fiddle with Demo。这些给出了一个结果:

|           ID | STYLE1 |    QTY1 | STYLE2 |    QTY2 |
| 00001-5A-2XL |   F911 | 1.56600 |    233 | 0.23600 |
| 00001-5A-3XL |   F911 | 1.69700 |    233 | 0.23700 |
| 00001-5A-4XL |   F911 | 1.83300 |    233 | 0.23900 |
|   00001-5A-L |   F911 | 1.30700 |    233 | 0.23400 |
于 2013-11-13T16:29:06.433 回答