在哪里可以下载 VSTO Office 运行时版本 10.0.40820?我需要此特定版本的链接,而不是最新版本的链接 ( http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=158918 )。

为什么我需要这个特定版本?我为 VSTO 创建了自定义 InstallShield .PRQ,它从 Web 下载文件并使用 MD5 哈希检查文件是否未损坏。如果我使用通用下载链接并且 MS 将部署新版本的 VSTO,则安装程序将抱怨文件损坏。


1 回答 1


InstallShield has abstractions in their PRQ file that are meant to help but I have found problematic.

First, the PRQ itself can have a URL. This means that at runtime the PRQ embedded into the setup.exe will go try to download a newer version of itself from this URL. If this happens, the new XML is used and yours is ignored. This sounds like a good idea to keep things fresh and up to date but the CM Nazi in me see's this as a man in the middle vunerability that compromises the integrity of the build.

The second is that your XML or the downloaded XML both have URL attributes on the individual files. Again the CM Nazi in me says that while this seems like a good idea, it's really inserting an external dependency that isn't under my control and again violating the integrity of the build.

If it was me, I'd never use InstallShield and/or Microsoft URL's in my PRQ files. Host the content yourself and do change management of that so you can have complete control. If longevity of the build is desired then don't use web downloads in the first place. Bake it all into the EXE.

As for the exact question you asked, I'll have to google for it. But really I'd probably just move onto the latest version and then implement the above advice starting there.

于 2013-11-13T14:58:30.733 回答