部署Servlet/JSP时在 Web 存档中找不到 EJB 类,即使它们在同一个应用程序中。

但是当我用 javac 编译时,编译器会找到 bean 类。应用程序和 Web 存档中的搜索路径包含 bean 类的路径。


WebApp  tests.web.AllJSPsMustBeCompilable   FAILED
WebApp  tests.web.WebArchiveClassesLoadable FAILED
(Error message: Assertion:All classes in this Web Archive are loadable. Please refer to J2EE 1.4 Specification Section #8.1.2 for further information.
For [ toptipsternew/WebApp.war ]
classes [ beans.TipListHome beans.TipList ] referenced by [ web.MakeTip] are not found
Please either bundle the above mentioned classes in the application or use optional packaging support for them.)

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