我现在正在使用 Python 编写脚本,以特定方式在 Maya 上创建和控制粒子。目前我只是在玩我制作的两个函数,其中一个出现了这个错误:


TypeError: Error retrieving default arguments


# The purpose of this function is to make a magnetic effect to my particles, which are following
# a locator as a goal, so when particle is closer to this locator, the strenght with it moves
# towards the locator will be stronger and when it is far from the locator it will be weaker

# ind= will be the number of the particle/locator, for example: "locator1" = "locator"+str(ind)
# lastF= is the number of Frames we want this to be applied
# interval= for loop management, do this each "interval" frames'''
def magneticCheck(ind= 0, lastF= 10, interval= 10):
    # I was using a for loop before, but I tried a while loop just in case it fixes this issue, it doesn't
    i= 1
    while i < lastF:
        # Getting Locator's position
        posL = cmds.getAttr( 'locator'+str(ind)+'.translate')
        # Getting Particle's position
        posP = cmds.getAttr( 'nParticle'+str(ind)+'.translate')

        # Calculating distance between Locator and Particle
        distance = math.sqrt((posP[0][0] - posL[0][0])**2 
                              + (posP[0][1] - posL[0][1])**2 
                              + (posP[0][2] - posL[0][2])**2)
        distance = distance/10  # This is just for having smaler values

        # Setting a proper goal strenght for Particle following Locator
        weight = 0
        if distance != 0:
            weight = (1/distance) * 0.5
            weight = 0.5
        # Applying the goal strenght/weight
        cmds.setAttr( 'nParticleShape'+str(ind)+'.goalWeight[0]' , weight )
        # Setting a new Keyframe at this point
        i+= interval

# Now loop will go each "interval" frames and will check distance between particle and locator

# This works fine, creates a particle and locator at point (0, 10, 0)
newParticle( 0, 10, 0)

# Using the function ,which compiles fine, makes the error
magneticCheck(ind= 1,lastF= 400,interval= 10)

Traceback(为此,我将插入newParticle函数的工作原理,它还没有被引用,但它基本上重要的是最后的代码行,在 return 语句中)

def newParticle( x, y, z):
    locator= cmds.spaceLocator()
    cmds.move( x, y, z, locator)

    part=    cmds.nParticle( p=( x, y, z ))

    cmds.goal( part , g= locator , w= 0.5)

    return [ part , locator ]

因此,通过这种方式,我可以像这样创建新的粒子和定位器result= newParticle(x,y,z),之后我只需将它们分配到两个数组中即可将所有内容组织起来:

locator[0]= result[1]
particles[0]= result[0]


magneticCheck( particles[0], locator[0], lastF, interval)


cmds.getAttr( locator[0]+'.translate' )

它没有工作,因为它总是返回一个错误object '1' does not exist,所以它没有正确地接受locator[0],即使改变它仍然有问题。

在此之后,我想到了连接名称的想法,"locator"+ str(i) + ".translate"因为每次我创建粒子或定位器时,它都会自动接收名称"locator1","locator2"等。所以它是有效的并且更容易理解。

但是后来我发现了这个default argument错误,在它之前ERROR: Default argument follow but non-default argument,所以我只需要交换我在函数上放置参数的方式,这修复了它,但后来我发现了新的ERROR: Type Error: error retrieving default arguments并且卡住了。



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