
Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll 中出现“System.InvalidCastException”类型的未处理异常

附加信息:从字符串“Holden 308”到类型“Integer”的转换无效。附加信息:从字符串“JD Catpillar Track”到类型“Integer”的转换无效。

因此,这两个错误都发生在重载 New 类的 HeavyStockItem 类中。想知道是否有人可以帮助我理解为什么会这样做。

Option Strict On 

Public Class Form1
Dim StockItem1 As StockItem
Dim StockItem2 As CarEngine
Dim StockItem3 As CarEngine
Dim StockItem4 As StockItem
Dim StockItem5 As HeavyStockItem

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    StockItem1 = New StockItem("Screwdriver Set", 42)

    StockItem2 = New CarEngine(8025, "Madza B6T", 1252, 800, "Z4537298D")

    'StockItem3 = New CarEngine("Holden 308", 958, 1104, "P74623854S")

    StockItem4 = New StockItem(8002, "Trolley Jack", 127)

    'StockItem5 = New HeavyStockItem("JD Catepillar Track", 3820, 2830)
End Sub

Private Sub btnListStock_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnListStock.Click
End Sub

Public Sub ShowOutput(ByVal Output As StockItem)
    txtOutput.Text &= Output.Print()
    txtOutput.Text &= vbCrLf
End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnEnd.Click
End Sub 
End Class

Public Class StockItem

Friend CostPrice As Integer
Friend LastStockNumber As Integer
Friend StockNumber As Integer
Friend Description As String
Friend Shared LastStockItem As Integer = 10000

Overridable Function Print() As String
    Dim Result As String = ""
    Result &= "Stock No: " & StockNumber
    Result &= vbCrLf
    Result &= "Description: " & Description
    Result &= vbCrLf
    Result &= "Cost Price: " & CostPrice
    Result &= vbCrLf
    Return Result
End Function

Public Sub New(ByVal StockNumber As Integer, Description As String, ByVal CostPrice As Integer)
    Me.New(Description, CostPrice)
    Me.StockNumber = StockNumber
End Sub

Public Sub New(ByVal Description As String, ByVal CostPrice As Integer)
    LastStockNumber += Rnd()
    Me.StockNumber = LastStockNumber
    Me.Description = Description
    Me.CostPrice = CostPrice
End Sub

Public Sub GetCostPrice()

End Sub
End Class

Public Class HeavyStockItem
Inherits Assessment3.StockItem
Friend Weight As Integer

Public Function GetWeight() As String
    Return Me.GetWeight
End Function

Public Sub New(ByVal StockNumber As Integer, ByVal Description As String, ByVal CostPrice As Integer, ByVal Weight As Integer)
    MyBase.New(StockNumber, Description, CostPrice)
    Me.Weight = Weight
End Sub

Public Sub New(ByVal Description As String, ByVal CostPrice As Integer, ByVal Weight As Integer)
    MyBase.New(Description, CostPrice, Weight)'' Where the error is occurring
    LastStockNumber += Rnd()
    Me.StockNumber = LastStockNumber
End Sub
End Class

Public Class CarEngine
Inherits Assessment3.HeavyStockItem

Friend EngineNumber As String

Overrides Function Print() As String
    Dim Result As String = ""
    Result &= "Stock No: " & StockNumber
    Result &= vbCrLf
    Result &= "Description: " & Description
    Result &= vbCrLf
    Result &= "Cost Price: " & CostPrice
    Result &= vbCrLf
    Result &= "Weight: " & Weight
    Result &= vbCrLf
    Result &= "Engine Number: " & EngineNumber
    Result &= vbCrLf
    Return Result
End Function

Public Sub New(ByVal StockNumber As Integer, ByVal Description As String, ByVal CostPrice As Integer, ByVal Weight As Integer, ByVal EngineNumber As String)
    MyBase.New(StockNumber, Description, CostPrice, Weight)
    Me.EngineNumber = EngineNumber
End Sub

Public Sub New(ByVal Description As String, ByVal CostPrice As Integer, ByVal Weight As Integer, ByVal EngineNumber As String)
    MyBase.New(Description, CostPrice, Weight)
    LastStockNumber += Rnd()
    Me.StockNumber = LastStockNumber
    End Sub

End Class



1 回答 1




Dim Number As String = "10"

'Few Lines of code.

Number = 11
基本上发生的事情是,当您将变量声明为字符串时,它的值必须用双引号括起来,正如您在声明它时看到的那样。现在我们尝试在不添加双引号的情况下将值更改为 11,因此它认为您正在将其更改为整数并给出错误。


Me.Description = Description<--- 没有引号!!!


于 2014-01-06T01:05:54.860 回答