我希望能够在新窗口中打开 nerdtree(如果你愿意,可以缓冲),这样它就不会与当前编辑的文件分开。当我从命令行打开 vim 并将目录指定为参数时,也会发生同样的情况。


2 回答 2



:NERDTree | only
于 2013-11-13T09:13:50.993 回答


从您的配置中删除 NERDTree,您想要的是内置 netrw 的正常行为。见:help netrw

:Ex     " open a listing of the current directory in the current window
:Sex    " open a listing of the current directory in an horizontal window
:Vex    " open a listing of the current directory in a vertical window
:Tex    " open a listing of the current directory in a new tab
:Rex    " go back to the previous listing

$ vim . " open Vim with a listing of the current directory
于 2013-11-13T08:44:44.747 回答