If T = Empty Or SGg = Empty Or mugi = Empty Or Bgi = Empty Or xe = Empty Or _
   Area = Empty Or hres = Empty Or phires = Empty Or Sgi = Empty Or _
   kres = Empty Or pbari = Empty Or zi = Empty Or xf = Empty Or wf = Empty Or _
   Hf = Empty Or tauyhb = Empty Or nhb = Empty Or khb = Empty Or Tsc = Empty _
   Or psc = Empty Or Tsurf = Empty Or psurf = Empty Then _
   MsgBox ("Provide all the missing data on 'INPUT' sheet and in field units")
       Exit Sub
End If

问题:我收到上述代码行的错误消息End if without block if。我在代码中看不到任何问题。


2 回答 2


你在这里有两个选择。像你所做的那样把它全部放在一行上,但删除end if(VBA 的 IF/THEN 语句的单行版本不接受它)。Then或者您可以在关键字之前添加一个换行符,在End If.

于 2013-11-13T03:44:18.520 回答


于 2013-11-13T03:41:44.490 回答