非常棒的介绍“Scala 新手指南第 14 部分:Actor 并发方法” http://danielwestheide.com/blog/2013/02/27/the-neophytes-guide-to-scala-part-14-the- actor-approach-to-concurrency.html。
Actor 接收消息,将阻塞代码包装到未来,在它的 Future.onSuccess 方法中 - 使用其他异步消息发送结果。但请注意,发件人变量可能会更改,因此请关闭它(在未来对象中进行本地引用)。
ps: The Neophyte's Guide to Scala - 非常棒的书。
我们有工人和经理。经理设置要完成的工作,工人报告“得到它”并开始长流程( sleep 1000 )。同时,系统用“活着”的消息 ping 经理,经理用它们 ping 工人。工作完成后 - 工人通知经理。
注意:在导入的“默认/全局”线程池执行器中执行 sleep 1000 - 你可以得到线程饥饿。注意: val command = sender 需要“关闭”对原始发件人的引用,因为当 onSuccess 将被执行时 - 演员中的当前发件人可能已经设置为其他一些“发件人”......
01:35:12:632 Humming ...
01:35:12:633 manager: flush sent
01:35:12:633 worker: got command
01:35:12:633 manager alive
01:35:12:633 manager alive
01:35:12:633 manager alive
01:35:12:660 worker: started
01:35:12:662 worker: alive
01:35:12:662 manager: resource allocated
01:35:12:662 worker: alive
01:35:12:662 worker: alive
01:35:13:661 worker: done
01:35:13:663 manager: work is done
01:35:17:633 Shutdown!
import akka.actor.{Props, ActorSystem, ActorRef, Actor}
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.Date
import scala.concurrent._
import ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
object Sample {
private val fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss:SSS")
def printWithTime(msg: String) = {
println(fmt.format(new Date()) + " " + msg)
class WorkerActor extends Actor {
protected def receive = {
case "now" =>
val commander = sender
printWithTime("worker: got command")
future {
printWithTime("worker: started")
printWithTime("worker: done")
}(ExecutionContext.Implicits.global) onSuccess {
// here commander = original sender who requested the start of the future
case _ => commander ! "done"
commander ! "working"
case "alive?" =>
printWithTime("worker: alive")
class ManagerActor(worker: ActorRef) extends Actor {
protected def receive = {
case "do" =>
worker ! "now"
printWithTime("manager: flush sent")
case "working" =>
printWithTime("manager: resource allocated")
case "done" =>
printWithTime("manager: work is done")
case "alive?" =>
printWithTime("manager alive")
worker ! "alive?"
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val config = ConfigFactory.parseString("" +
"akka.loglevel=DEBUG\n" +
"akka.debug.lifecycle=on\n" +
"akka.debug.receive=on\n" +
"akka.debug.event-stream=on\n" +
"akka.debug.unhandled=on\n" +
val system = ActorSystem("mine", config)
val actor1 = system.actorOf(Props[WorkerActor], "worker")
val actor2 = system.actorOf(Props(new ManagerActor(actor1)), "manager")
actor2 ! "do"
actor2 ! "alive?"
actor2 ! "alive?"
actor2 ! "alive?"
printWithTime("Humming ...")