;;;;;;;;;;Setting Up
ADR r0, StrF ;Address of first block in destination
;;;String 1
ADR r1, Str1 ;Address of first string
ADR r2, EoS ;Address of EoS1
SUBS r2, r2,r1 ;Length of str1, counter
ADR r3, Str2 ;Address of second string
ADR r4, EoS2 ;Address of EoS2
SUBS r4, r4,r3 ;Length of Str2
;;;;;;;;;;Performing Actions
;;;;First String
Loop LDRB r5,[r1],#1 ;Load next bit of "r1" in r5
STRB r5,[r0],#1 ;Store prev bit in memory at r0
SUBS r2, r2, #1 ;Decrement counter
CMP r2, #0 ;Compare our counter
BNE Loop ;Branch if counter != 0
;;;;;Second String
Loop2 LDRB r5,[r3],#1 ;Load next bit of "r3" to r5
STRB r0,[r5],#1 ;Store this bit in r0
SUBS r4, r4, #1 ;Decrement length counter
CMP r4, #0 ;Compare our counter
BNE Loop2 ;Branch if counter != 0
;; Testing the memory - Delete these lines later
ADR r0, StrF
loop3 LDRB r1,[r0],#1
B loop3
Finished B Finished
Str1 DCB "This is a test string1" ;Str1
EoS DCB 0x00
Str2 DCB "This is a test string2" ;Str2
EoS2 DCB 0x00
StrF DCB 0x00 ;Saving this
我的问题在第 22 + 29 行。我不知道如何成功地将当前字节存储到内存中;更具体地说,寄存器 r0 中的内存,最初由 StrF 初始化。
关于如何修复我的 STRB 或 STR 的任何想法?
“错误 65:0x00000082 处的访问冲突:没有‘写’权限”这是我试图保存到的 StrF 的内存地址。