我找到了很多很棒的资源来设置 virtualbox、vagrant 和 puppet。但是,我遇到了障碍,不知道从哪里开始。我不是系统管理员或超人开发人员。

我去运行 vagrant up,它加载了几乎所有的东西,除了得到这个错误。我一直在寻找答案,但无济于事。

Running Puppet with ubuntu-apache2-sqlite-php5.pp...
stdin: is not a tty

Error: Could not find class apache for www.envisioncomm.net on node www.envisioncomm.net
Error: Could not find class apache for www.envisioncomm.net on node www.envisioncomm.net
The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status.
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed!

FACTER_fqdn='dev.pyrocms-pro.sqlite' FACTER_hostname='www' FACTER_docroot='/vagrant    /www/pyrocms-pro/' puppet apply --hiera_config /vagrant/hiera.yaml --modulepath '/etc/puppet/modules:/tmp/vagrant-puppet/modules-0' --manifestdir /tmp/vagrant-puppet/manifests --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/vagrant-puppet/manifests/ubuntu-apache2-sqlite-php5.pp || [ $? -eq 2 ]

Stdout from the command:
Stderr from the command:

stdin: is not a tty
Error: Could not find class apache for www.envisioncomm.net on node www.envisioncomm.net
Error: Could not find class apache for www.envisioncomm.net on node www.envisioncomm.net



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