I'm trying to save pair pageUrl:imageUrl into chrom local storage. Here is the code:

    function saveImage (href, urlImage)
        var dataObj = {href:urlImage};
        dataObj[href] = urlImage;
        console.log("Image url has been saved into storage "+href);


    function tryLoadCachedImageUrl(hrefObj)
        console.log("Trying to load image from storage: "+hrefObj.href);


chrome.storage.local.get causes exception:

Error in response to storage.get: ReferenceError: obj is not defined

hrefObj.href contains string, equal to pageUrl which was saved in saveImage

What am I doing wrong?


1 回答 1


[For anyone landing on this page facing a similar situation]

The error is in loadImages. It seems to be trying to access an undefined obj variable.

BTW, this line of code: var dataObj = {href:urlImage};
is not equivalent to: dataObj[href] = urlImage;
but to: dataObj["href"] = urlImage; (which is clearly not what you want)

The intended way is:

var dataObj = {};   // <-- create an empty object
dataObj[href] = urlImage;   // <-- the value of the `href` variable
                            //     is used as the key (not the string "href")

[Note: This is not causing the problem, it is just bad practice - if nothing else it "hurts" code clarity.]

于 2013-11-14T10:17:08.650 回答