sql fiddle: http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!2/60689e/12

Query at the moment looks like this:

SELECT DISTINCT u.name_surname, u.avatar, u.location
FROM users AS u
  JOIN connections AS c ON c.user_id = u.id
  JOIN words_en AS w ON w.id = c.word_id
WHERE (w.word = :kwd
  OR u.location = :kwd
  OR u.name_surname = :kwd)
AND u.privacy > 0
AND c.deleted <> 1

It is a search query for user, that looks into location name_surname and words and shows user that owns this keyword anywhere in those columns.

I would like to incorporate current user and searched user relationship in this query somehow.

u.privacy can be 0,2,3. 0 means private and is omitted from search results. 2 is friends only. And 3 is everybody. I'm having hard time incorporate this privacy = 2 part. So if found users privacy setting is 2, than I've to compare their relationship and if they are friends show searched user, if not don't display him.

Relationship is stored as a two way stream, in friends table.

This is query I use to select all person1's friends:

SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(f1.asked_user_id) AS friend_id
FROM friends AS f1 JOIN friends AS f2
    ON f1.asked_user_id = f2.asker_user_id
   AND f1.asker_user_id = f2.asked_user_id
WHERE f1.status = 1 AND f2.status = 1
  AND f1.asker_user_id = :person1

Any help appreciated! thanks!


SELECT (u.id) as uuid, u.avatar, u.location, u.name_surname,
    CASE WHEN w.word = :kwd THEN "words list" END,
    CASE WHEN u.location = :kwd THEN "location" END,
    CASE WHEN u.name_surname = :kwd THEN "name" END)) As matched
FROM users AS u
JOIN connections AS c
  ON c.user_id = u.id
JOIN words_en AS w 
  ON w.id = c.word_id
LEFT JOIN friends AS f1
  ON f1.asker_user_id = :user_id
    AND f1.status = 1
    AND f1.asked_user_id = u.id
WHERE (w.word = :kwd
  OR u.location = :kwd
  OR u.name_surname = :kwd)
AND (u.privacy = 3 OR (u.privacy = 2 and f1.id IS NOT NULL))
AND c.deleted <> 1

This query works, but if user has no word at all in connections, than even if match is positive in location select returns nothing.


1 回答 1


您需要在 SQLFiddle 中加载更好的数据。所有用户的隐私设置为 0。此外,一旦您加载数据,请告诉我 person1 和 kwd 的值需要是什么才能在您的示例数据中获得结果


SELECT DISTINCT u.name_surname, u.avatar, u.location
FROM users AS u
LEFT JOIN connections AS c
  ON c.user_id = u.id
    AND c.deleted <> 1
LEFT JOIN words_en AS w 
  ON w.id = c.word_id
LEFT JOIN friends AS f1
  ON f1.asker_user_id = :person1
    AND f1.status=1
    AND f1.asked_user_id = u.uid
WHERE (w.word = :kwd
  OR u.location = :kwd
  OR u.name_surname = :kwd)
AND (u.privacy=3 OR (u.privacy=2 and f1.id IS NOT NULL))
于 2013-11-13T00:59:33.307 回答