这是我的 html 正文:
<body onload='init()'>
<div id="canvasWrapper">
<canvas id="canvas" width="100px" height="100px"></canvas>
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
border: 0;
overflow: hidden;
#canvasWrapper {
background-color: red;
display: inline-block;
重要的部分是我的 canvas-wrapper 的“inline-block”,以及 body-element 的“overflow: hidden”。画布下方似乎有一些像素,这会使两个滚动条都出现。
function init(){
resizeCanvas(); //resize the canvas-Element
window.onresize = function() { resizeCanvas(); }
每当屏幕尺寸发生变化时,我的“resize”-Function 就会被调用。
整个技巧是在这个 resize-Function 中完成的:
function resizeCanvas() {
var w = window,
d = document,
e = d.documentElement,
g = d.getElementsByTagName('body')[0],
x = w.innerWidth || e.clientWidth || g.clientWidth,
y = w.innerHeight|| e.clientHeight|| g.clientHeight;
var cv = document.getElementsByTagName("canvas")[0];
//var cc = document.getElementsByClassName("canvas-container")[0]; //In case of non-Static Canvas will be used
var cc = document.getElementById("canvasWrapper");
var cx,cy; //The size of the canvas-Element
var cleft=0; //Offset to the left border (to center the canvas-element, if there are borders on the left&right)
if(x/y > sizeX/sizeY){ //x-diff > y-diff ==> black borders left&right
cx = (y*sizeX/sizeY);
cy = y;
cleft = (x-cx)/2;
}else{ //y-diff > x-diff ==> black borders top&bottom
cx = x;
cy = (x*sizeY/sizeX);
cc.setAttribute("style", "width:"+x+"px;height:"+y+"px;"); //canvas-content = fullscreen
cv.setAttribute("style", "width:"+cx+"px;height:"+cy+"px;position: relative; left:"+cleft+"px"); //canvas: 16:9, as big as possible, horizintally centered
之后,我将 wrapper-div 设置为 fullscreen-size,并将 canvas-Element 的大小设置为之前计算的大小。
它是跨浏览器兼容的(在 Firefox 25、Chrome 31 和 Internet Explorer 11 上测试)