是否有可用于从 Play 框架项目生成战争的插件?

c:\>myproject>play war

上面提到的命令会生成战争,但是当部署在 Weblogic 或 Websphere 上时,它不会被部署。过去尝试过,但未能成功部署。


3 回答 3


如果您的项目基于 play framework 2.x,这个插件过去对我有用: https ://github.com/dlecan/play2-war-plugin

已在 play 版本 2.1.1 中成功使用它。

于 2013-11-13T15:11:51.053 回答

参考:https ://github.com/dlecan/play2-war-plugin

创建并部署为 WAR

修改了两个文件以获得相同的工作 / 以将 Play 应用程序部署为 WAR。

1) under "/playframeworkProject/project/plugins.sbt" add the following at the bottom

    // Added for WAR deployment support
    addSbtPlugin("com.github.play2war" % "play2-war-plugin" % "1.2-beta1")

2) under "/playframeworkProject/project/Build.scala"

    import com.github.play2war.plugin._

Make following code changes.

    object ApplicationBuild extends Build {

    lazy val main = play.Project(appName, appVersion, appDependencies)
     .settings(Play2WarPlugin.play2WarSettings: _*)
    resourceDirectory in IntegrationTest <<= baseDirectory /"it/resources",
      Play2WarKeys.servletVersion := "3.0")

最终应该看起来像 >>>

object ApplicationBuild extends Build {

  import com.mckesson.builder.Resolvers._
  val appName         = "YourPlayProjectName"
  val appVersion      = "1.0-SNAPSHOT" 

   val appDependencies = com.companyname.builder.Dependencies.YourPlayProjectName

   resolvers :=  com.companyname.builder.Resolvers.XYZResolvers

    lazy val main = play.Project(appName, appVersion, appDependencies)
     .settings(Play2WarPlugin.play2WarSettings: _*)
     .settings(  playCommonSettings: _*
                ).configs( IntegrationTest ).settings( Defaults.itSettings :_*)
         .settings(scalaSource in IntegrationTest <<=  baseDirectory /"it" ,
          scalaSource in Test <<= baseDirectory /"test",
          resourceDirectory in IntegrationTest <<= baseDirectory /"it/resources",
      Play2WarKeys.servletVersion := "3.0")


将 YourPlayProjectName 转换为 WAR

通过 sbt clean publish-local cd 重新构建项目到 YourPlayProjectName 目录运行 play war 或 sbt war 以生成 WAR

将应用程序作为 WAR 部署到 Tomcat

转到 YourPlayProjectName/target/ 找到 WAR

将 WAR 重命名为 ROOT.war

将它复制到 Tomcat 7 的 webapps 文件夹中

请注意,您需要定义 CATALINA_HOME 环境变量并将其 /bin 添加到您的路径

示例:C:>echo %CATALINA_HOME% C:\apache\apache-tomcat-7.0.40 4. 启动数据库

 5. Start Tomcat 7 with this command from your command prompt (no specific location as long as your CATILANA_HOME is set correctly in your environment variable) catalina start

 6. Start your other dependencies if any to make sure your application works.

在浏览器中,点击 http://:8080 以查看您的应用程序正在运行并成功部署。


于 2013-11-14T18:41:01.797 回答

这个页面肯定会帮助您了解生成战争文件所需的配置... https://github.com/play2war/play2-war-plugin/wiki/Configuration

1. plugins.sbt(project-root/project/)
2.build.sbt (project-root)

玩 2.4 及以上

  1. 插件.sbt

addSbtPlugin("com.github.play2war" % "play2-war-plugin" % "1.4-beta1")

  1. 构建.sbt

    import com.github.play2war.plugin._
    libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
      "com.github.play2war" % "play2-war_2.9.1" % "0.8.2"   # Change version
     Play2WarKeys.servletVersion := "2.5" # Change as per your requirement(3.0 or 3.1 etc)

    addSbtPlugin("com.github.play2war" % "play2-war-plugin" % "1.4-beta1")

  2. 运行 [sbt 战争]

于 2017-03-27T04:54:45.023 回答