

if (input_variable == SPECIFIC_CONSTANT) {
    output_variable = TRUE;
else {
    output_variable = FALSE;


digraph G {
  2 -> 3 -> 5;
  2 -> 4 -> 5;







for each node in graph:
    ancestors = node.get_all_ancestors()
    lca = find_lowest_common_ancestor(ancestors)
    junction_node[lca] = node

    return junction_node[node]

我的编程语言是 Python,我刚刚发现了 NetworkX,但任何算法都会受到赞赏。我不习惯图论,我想我错过了基本词汇表来找到我正在寻找的东西。



3 回答 3



做一个 DFS,然后计算所有路径的交集(每个路径中存在的节点)。然后,在这些节点中,找到每条路径中最接近起点的节点:

>>> paths
>>> def dfs(G, s, path):
...     if s not in G or not G[s]:
...             paths.append(path)
...     else:
...             for t in G[s]:
...                     dfs({k:[_t for _t in v if _t!=t] for k,v in G.items()}, t, path+[t])
>>> dfs(G, 2, [])
>>> paths
[[3, 4, 6, 7, 12], [3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12], [3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12], [3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12], [3, 5, 6, 7, 12], [3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12], [3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12], [3, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12], [4, 6, 7, 12], [4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12], [4, 6, 8, 9, 12], [4, 6, 8, 11, 12]]
>>> for path in paths: print(path)
[3, 4, 6, 7, 12]
[3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12]
[3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12]
[3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12]
[3, 5, 6, 7, 12]
[3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12]
[3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12]
[3, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12]
[4, 6, 7, 12]
[4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12]
[4, 6, 8, 9, 12]
[4, 6, 8, 11, 12]
>>> nodes = [set(L) for L in paths]
>>> commons = functools.reduce(set.intersection, nodes)
>>> commons
{12, 6}
>>> min(commons, key=lambda v: max(L.index(v) for L in paths))

现在,请注意如何6在某些路径中的索引 2 处和在某些其他路径中的索引 1 处显示。如果有一个节点(比如 x),它出现在路径中的索引 1 处,其中 6 出现在索引 2 处,而在索引 2 处,6 出现在索引 1 处,那么,这将是一个平局,这个算法会随意破坏。根据您的需要,您可能想要定义如何更好地处理这种情况

于 2013-11-12T17:24:03.097 回答


对于每个节点,找到其所有祖先和后代的列表。如果 Size(ancestors) + size(descendants) + 1 等于网络大小,则它是候选者。现在,找到这样一个具有至少一个祖先和最大后代数的节点。


于 2013-11-12T17:14:45.767 回答

阅读了您提出的所有解决方案,我想出了一个主意。我给我的第一个节点一个数量 1。递归地,所有孩子都收到这个数量的相等部分。反过来,他们向下发送这个数量。如果一个孩子总共收到 1(起始金额),那么它就是“连接点”。这是我的实现(开放评论!!)。

我希望 BFS 构造限制访问的节点数量。

class Node(object):
    Object representing a node in a graph where we search the junction node that
    concentrates all paths starting from a start node.

    ``reference``: Attaches the real object that contains the relationships.
    ``initial_value``: Initial amount for the node. Typically 1 for the start
      node, 0 for the others.
    ``path``: Set of already traversed nodes that reached the node. Used to
      prune circular dependencies.
  def __init__(self, reference, initial_value, path=set()):
    self.reference = reference
    # See dispatch() for explaination
    self.value_can_dispatch = self.value_has_received = initial_value
    self.path = path

  def receive(self, value):
      Give ``value`` to the node. If the node received 1 (or more for security)
      in total, it will return True. Else it returns False.
    self.value_has_received += value
    self.value_can_dispatch += value
    if self.value_has_received >= 1.:
      return True
    return False

  def dispatch(self, children):
      Dispatch the value received to the children.
      Returns a filtered list of ``children`` where children involved in a
      circular dependency are removed.
      If one child signals that it has received a total of 1, the function will
      stop and return this one child.
    # Filter successors that are in the path used to access this node so to cut
    # out cycles
    true_successors = [child for child in children if child not in self.path]
    # Cut the received value into equal pieces
    amount = self.value_can_dispatch/len(true_successors)
    # We transmit only the value received after the last time it was dispatched
    # because paths may lead to the same node at different iterations (path
    # through one node may be longer than through another) and thus the same
    # node can be asked to dispatch to its children more than once.
    # The total amount of received value is kept in value_has_received because
    # the node may receive the complete amount in several steps. Thus, part of
    # its value may have been dispatched before we notice that the node received
    # the total amount of 1.
    self.value_can_dispatch = Fraction(0)
    for child in true_successors:
      # If child signaled that he received 1, then raise the winner
      if child.receive(amount):
        return child
    return set(true_successors)

  def touch(self, other_node):
      "Touches" a node with another, notifying that the node is reachable
      through another path than the known ones.
      It adds the elements of the new path as ancestors of the node.
    self.path |= other_node.path | {other_node}

  def make_child(self, reference):
      Creates a child of the node, pointing to reference. The child receives
      its path from the current node.
    # This is were the algorithm can go mad. If child is accessed through two
    # paths, the algorithm will only protect recursion into the first
    # path. If the successors recurse into the second path, we will not detect
    # it. => We should update the child's path when a second path reaches it.
    return self.__class__(reference, Fraction(0), self.path | {self})

  def __repr__(self):
    return "<{} {}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.reference)

def find_junction_node(first_reference, get_uid, get_successors, max_iterations=100):
    Find the junction node of all paths starting from ``first_reference`` in
    a directed graph. ``get_uid`` is a function accepting a reference to a node
    in your graph and returning a unique identifier for this reference.
    ``get_successors`` is a function accepting a reference to a node in your
    graph. It should return a list of references to all its the children nodes.
    It may return None if the node has no child.
    ``max_iterations`` limits the number of pass the algorithm use to find the
    junction node. If reached, the funciton raises a RuntimeError.

    Returns ``(jp, ln)`` where ``jp`` is a reference to a node in your graph
    which is the junction node and ``ln`` the list of nodes in the subgraph
    between the start node and the junction node.
  # Mapping to already created nodes
  nodes = {}
  # Initialise first node with an amount of 1
  node = Node(first_reference, Fraction(1, 1))
  nodes[get_uid(first_reference)] = node
  # Initialise first iteration of DFS
  successors = set()
  # Max iteration provides security as I'm not sure the algorithm cannot loop
  for i in range(max_iterations):
    next_successors = set()
    # Process one level of nodes
    for node in successors:
      # Find successors in data graph
      sub_references = get_successors(node.reference)
      # This happens when we reach the end of the graph, node has no children
      if sub_references is None:
      # Make a list of Node that are children of node
      children = set()
      for reference in sub_references:
        uid = get_uid(reference)
        # Does it exist?
        child = nodes.get(uid, None)
        if not child:
          child = node.make_child(reference)
          nodes[uid] = child
      # Dispatch the value of node equally between its children
      result = node.dispatch(children)
      #print("Children of {}: {!r}".format(node, result)) # DEBUG
      # If one child received a total of 1 from its parents, it is common to
      # all paths
      if isinstance(result, Node):
        return result.reference,  [node.reference for node in result.path]
      # Else, add the filtered list of children to the set of node to process
      # in the next level
        next_successors |= result
    successors = next_successors
    # Reached end of graph by all paths without finding a junction point
    if len(successors) == 0:
      return None
  raise RuntimeError("Max iteration reached")
于 2013-11-12T18:46:14.613 回答